What to expect from us
When your application arrives with the CAA, it will undergo a desk-based assessment from a Flight Crew Licensing Officer or Assistant. Following an acceptable assessment your licence will be processed, signed and despatched.
We will contact you in writing if we have any queries regarding your application and may keep your application pending while the additional requirements are met. Please note that applications will only be pended for 30 days before cancellation, where no response is received.
An assessment and fee may be charged if the CAA rejects your application for not meeting all requirements. This will also be applied if you choose to cancel your application. All underpaid postage fees are recovered before your new licence can be issued.
If you are dissatisfied by a decision made by the CAA in relation to your application, you can appeal against a decision made by the CAA, challenge decisions made by the CAA or ask for a review.
Processing time
We are currently working within the published service levels of 10 working days for all application types. Where an application is pended, the working days to process the application will be counted from the date of receipt of the requested additional information.
For a small number of applications, a licensing officer may require additional guidance which requires a referral to be made to a technical officer. The technical officer will review the case within 5 working days, however if further advice is needed this will be reviewed at a bi-weekly complex case review session. In such cases therefore the application will take longer to process than our standard turnaround times.
Our complaints process offers further guidance if you are dissatisfied by the service provided to you by the CAA and you wish to raise a complaint.
Requesting an expedite
If your application is urgent, you can request that we expedite it. However, we will only expedite applications in extreme circumstances. All other applications will be processed in strict date order.
Expedite requests must be submitted in writing to customerservices@caa.co.uk and must be submitted by your ATO or employer. We will not accept any expedite requests over the phone or directly from an applicant.