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EU exit

Please note that, in the event of UK participation in EASA and mutual recognition of licences and certificates ceasing, some CAA website content and application forms may continue to carry the EASA logo or reference the EU or EASA rather than the UK CAA in the short term.

These will be updated in due course following the outcome of the transition period negotiations on the long-term aviation relationship between the UK and the EU. In the meantime, the guidance provided and the application forms accessed via the CAA website portal will continue to be valid.

The CAA charges a fee for the issue, renewal, conversion or revalidation of a pilot licence or rating.

If you are making your application using a paper form, you will be able to include payment details along with your application.

If you are using an online application form, you will be able to make a payment using the Worldpay system. Instructions on how to use Worldpay are included in the online form.

Additional costs, such as the charge for using our secure courier service, are payable at the same time as the fee for your application. All underpaid postage fees are recovered before your new licence can be issued.

Please see below our licence issue pricing details.

EASA professional licences

Issue of professional EASA licences

Initial issue of ATPL(A) or (H), CPL(A) and CPL(H) including upgrade from CPL / IR
(including Change of State)
Initial issue of MPL £308
Close Issue of professional EASA licences

Conversion of professional UK issued licence to EASA licence

Conversion of UK issued national or JAR CPL(A) or (H) to EASA CPL(A) or (H) £176
Conversion of UK issued national or JAR ATPL(A) or (H) to EASA ATPL(A) or (H) £176
Issue UK national licence with / following EASA conversion if you hold / held a non-lifetime licence £45
Close Conversion of professional UK issued licence to EASA licence


Addition, variation, revalidation or renewal of professional ratings on all professional licences

Issue of professional rating excluding BPL licences £153
Variation, revalidation or renewal £112
Separate addition of LVO £112
Additional rating on BPL £112
Close Addition, variation, revalidation or renewal of professional ratings on all professional licences

Issue of additional ratings

Issue of:

  • Aerobatic,
  • Sailplane towing,
  • banner towing,
  • flight test rating,
  • IR (restricted),
  • mountain rating
  • night rating
Close Issue of additional ratings

Extra NPPL ratings on NPPL

Addition, variation, revalidation or renewal £50
Close Extra NPPL ratings on NPPL

Instructor ratings

Issue of instructor rating on private licence
(except balloon, airship, sailplane and AFI (microlight) powered parachute only)
Issue of instructor rating on professional licence (except Mountain Instructor (MI)) £153
Issue of Mountain Instructor rating £153
Addition of FCL 945 £68
Variation, revalidation or renewal of instructor rating £112
Removal of limitation £112
SFI / TRI initial issue £153
SFI / TRI revalidation, renewal, variation £112
Close Instructor ratings

Examiner ratings

TRE / SFE multi pilot revalidation, renewal initial issue (if conducted by a CAA staff examiner) £2,081
TRE / SFE multi pilot revalidation, renewal initial issue (if conducted by an industry senior examiner) £569
TRE / SFE multi pilot variation (adding an additional type) £188
TRE / SFE multi pilot variation (amending the authorisations remarks) £57
FE PPL revalidation, renewal. initial issue £429
FE CPL revalidation, renewal, initial issue £1,351
Close Examiner ratings

Other licensing actions

Regrade of licence

Professional licence to PPL £93
Close Regrade of licence

Special conditions certificates

Issue of 12 months certificate £153
Variation, revalidation or renewal £112
Close Special conditions certificates


Initial issue  £394
Extension to validation (only once for EASA validations)  £197
Variation  £68


Close Validations

Other flight crew licensing applications

Separate addition or amendment of English Language Proficiency £27
Licence replacement £57
Change of personal details (name and nationality) £57
Change of name by marriage or divorce
(An additional charge of £57 applies if you also hold an examiner authorisation)
Change of address free
Exemption to UK ANO £68
Derogation under Article 14 (less than 2 months) £68
Derogation under Article 14 (more than 2 months) £191
Close Other flight crew licensing applications

Flight tests

CPL or IR Skill Test with UK examiner (full pass) £995
CPL or IR Skill Test with UK examiner (partial pass) £676
Close Flight tests

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis