Ratings will be granted for aeroplanes, Towing Motor Gliding (TMG), or both according to the information that you provide. When applying please confirm whether you are applying to tow gliders in an aeroplane, TMG or both.
It is now mandatory to hold the Sailplane Towing rating on your licence in order to tow sailplanes.
To take advantage of our conversion requirements to add a sailplane rowing rating to your licence without completing a full training course, you must have been exercising the privileges before 8 April 2018.
Conversion of these privileges usually applies at the time of licence conversion (to a UK Part-FCL licence).
The sailplane towing standards in the UK, established by the BGA, are competency based. These are considered equivalent to those of Part-FCL, particularly in respect of the flying experience and theoretical knowledge requirements.
Please refer to the Comparison Tables in Section 4 of (CAP804) for details:
- The differences shown in the Comparison Table are reflected in the conversion requirements.
- Ratings will be granted for aeroplanes or TMGs according to the information you provide.
A Part-FCL Sailplane Towing Rating will be granted to pilots who have qualified to tow through a BGA gliding club, and show logbook evidence of the following:
At least 30 hours of flight time as Pilot in Command (PIC) and 60 take-offs and landings in aeroplanes, if the activity is to be carried out in aeroplane, or in TMG, if the activity is to be carried out in TMGs, completed after the issue of the UK licence.
At least 10 flights as PIC towing a sailplane in an Aeroplane at a BGA Club. The Sailplane Towing Rating will be restricted to Aeroplanes only.
At least 10 flights as PIC towing a sailplane in a TMG at a BGA Club. The Sailplane Towing Rating will be restricted to TMGs only.
Once the Sailplane Towing rating has been endorsed onto a Part-FCL licence, you cannot begin towing until you meet the requirements shown in FCL 805(e), Section 4. If you don't meet these requirements, you must first complete the missing tows with an instructor.