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From 30 September 2025 it is mandatory to hold a Part-SFCL SPL licence to fly Part-21 Sailplanes.

Holders of existing British Gliding Association (BGA) Gliding Certificates should contact the BGA directly regarding conversion to a Part- SFCL sailplane licence (SPL).

Pilots that hold either a LAPL(S) or UK issued EASA SPL will have their licences reissued as UK Part SFCL SPL when they next apply to us for a licensing service for their sailplane licence, or if they apply to the BGA to add additional privileges to the Part-SFCL SPL.

The BGA website advises on who needs to convert and relevant dates.

How do I apply?

If you are applying for a Part-SFCL SPL on the basis of a BGA gliding certificate, then you should contact the British Gliding Association (BGA) directly.

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What do I need to send with my application?

If you are applying for a Part-SFCL SPL on the basis of a BGA gliding certificate, then you should contact the British Gliding Association (BGA) directly.

Full guidance on submitting a conversion application form to the BGA is available on their website.

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What else do I need to know?

The application for a conversion to the UK Part-SFCL SPL licence must be submitted to the British Gliding Association (BGA), who will carry out all required checks and send a recommendation for the UK Part-SFCL SPL licence issue to the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).


Please refer to the BGA website in respect of BGA Gliding Certificate conversions.

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How long will it take for my application to be processed?

The process from receipt of the application at the British Gliding Association (BGA) to the UK Part-SFCL SPL licence issue by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) can take approximately 3 weeks.

For more precise time frame please contact the BGA or refer to the BGA website.

At the CAA, we are currently working within the published service levels of 10 working days for all application types.

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What happens next?

When your application arrives with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), it will undergo a desk-based assessment by our Flight Crew Licensing Team. Following an acceptable assessment your licence will be processed, signed and despatched to the British Gliding Association (BGA). Upon receipt of your licence you will be contacted by the BGA.

We will contact the BGA in writing if we have any queries regarding your application and may keep your application pending while the additional requirements are met.

We are currently working within the published service levels of 10 working days for all application types. Where an application is pended, the working days to process the application will be counted from the date of receipt of the requested additional information.

The licences are valid for life, subject to recency and medical requirements being maintained.

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