CAP3000 Setting future price controls – review of approach, August 2024
Review of approach findings
Consistent with best practice and the recommendations of Public Body Review of the CAA, we have reviewed our approach to setting price controls to identify opportunities to improve the efficiency, timeliness and effectiveness of the processes and outcomes. These documents set out the findings from our review of our approach to setting price controls (including the lessons learnt from H7 and NR23), which will inform our overall approach to future price controls.
Setting future price controls – lessons learnt from the review of approach (CAP3000)
Appendix C: Setting future price controls – lessons learnt from the review of approach (CAP3000a)
External reports
International approaches to airport and air traffic control regulation, MKmetric
Future regulatory approach – cost assessment, Grant Thornton
Consultation on review of approach
We are carrying out a review of our approach to setting price controls (including the lessons learnt from H7 and NR23) to inform our overall approach to future price controls. CAP2618 sets out our initial views on the scope of this lessons learnt review and on the key issues we should consider for the next price control reviews for HAL and NERL. We welcome views from stakeholders on these issues.
- Aer Lingus
- Airlines for America
- Airports Council International (ACI) Europe
- Arora
- British Airways
- easyJet
Heathrow Airport and community
- NATS (En Route) plc (NERL)
- Pandox
- Prospect
- Virgin Atlantic