Previous price control reviews:
Q6 (2014-2021) price control of Heathrow (archive)
Q6 consultancy reports
- Q6 review of the distribution of economic rent: a response to comments by Compass Lexecon - by SLG Economics(December 2013)
- Q6 capex review Heathrow Airport - final report by Alan Stratford(December 2013)
- Q6 capex review Heathrow Airport - report by Alan Stratford(October 2013)
- Q6 review of the distribution of economic rent between airport, airlines and passengers and cargo users at Heathrow and Gatwick - report by SLG Economics (September 2013) data related to footnote 15
- Gatwick Airport Q6 capex review for the CAA - phase 3 report by Davis Langdon (August 2013)
- Gatwick Airport Q6 capex review - phase 2 report by Davis Langdon(April 2013)- terms of reference
- Estimating the cost of capital in Q6 for Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted- report by PwC (April 2013) - terms of reference
Q5 (2008-2014) price control of Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted
Q5 consultancy reports
Q4 (2003-2008) price control of Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted and Mancheste
Consultancy reports
Consultant reports commissioned by the CAA
Consultant reports commissioned by the CAA
- Estimating the cost of capital for designated airports - a report prepared for the CAA by PwC(October 2013)
- Review of maintenance, renewals and other operating expenditure at Heathrow Airport (phase 3) Final report - report by Steer, Davies, Gleave(September 2013)
- Review of maintenance, renewals and other operating expenditure at Gatwick Airport (phase 3) Final report - report by Steer, Davies, Gleave(September 2013)
- Assessment of commercial revenues at Gatwick Airport (stage 3) Final report - by Steer, Davies, Gleave (September 2013)
- Review of pension costs for Heathrow Airport - Government Actuary's Department(September 2013)
- Review of pension costs for Gatwick Airport - Government Actuary's Department(September 2013)
- Response to Oxera's note on scope for efficiency gains at Gatwick - TFP, LEMS and output price indices - report by CEPA(September 2013)
- Response to Oxera's note on scope for efficiency gains at Gatwick (RUOE analysis) and updated RUOE analysis - report by CEPA (September 2013)
- Assessment of commercial revenues at Heathrow Airport (stage 3) Final report - by Steer, Davies, Gleave (August 2013)
- Comparing and capping charges at regulated airports (addendum note) - report by Leigh Fisher (August 2013)
- Assessment of central support costs at Heathrow & Gatwick airports - final report for Gatwick Airport - report by Helios(July 2013)
- Assessment of central support costs at Heathrow & Gatwick airports - final report for Heathrow Airport - report by Helios (July 2013)
- Cost of capital for UK designated airports - paper on the split cost of capital and skewed returns by PwC(April 2013)
- Scope for efficiency gains at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports - report by CEPA (April 2013) - terms of reference
- Assessment of maintenance and renewals costs at Heathrow - report by Steer, Davies, Gleave(April 2013) - terms of reference
- Assessment of maintenance and renewals costs at Gatwick - report by Steer Davies Gleave(April 2013)
- Assessment of commercial revenues at Heathrow - report by Steer Davies Gleave (April 2013) - terms of reference
- Assessment of commercial revenues at Gatwick - report by Steer Davies Gleave (April 2013)
- Airport price monitoring: Further insights - report by First Economics(April 2013) - terms of reference
- Advice on the calculation of long run incremental cost estimates for Gatwick and Stansted: response to comments by Gatwick Airport Limited - report by Europe Economics (April 2013) - terms of reference
- Review of other operating expenditure at Heathrow Airport - report by Steer Davies Gleave(April 2013) - terms of reference
- Review of other operating expenditure at Gatwick Airport - report by Steer Davies Gleave(April 2013)
- Central support costs - report by Helios (April 2013) - terms of reference
- Comparing and capping airport charges at regulated airports - report by Leigh Fisher (April 2013) - Emerging findings report (September 2012) -terms of reference
- Benchmarking employment costs: a research report for the CAA - Gatwick - report by IDS Thomson Reuters(April 2013) - terms of reference
- Benchmarking employment costs: a research report for the CAA - Heathrow - report by IDS Thomson Reuters(April 2013)
Consultant reports commissioned by other stakeholders
Consultant reports commissioned by other stakeholders
- British Airways comments on Compass Lexecon response to SLG Economics report on the distribution of economic rent(January 2014)
- Gatwick Airport response to SLG Economics report on the distribution of economic rent (January 2014)
- Comments on report by SLG Economics for Gatwick Airport on the distribution of rents between airports, airlines, passengers and cargo users at Heathrow and Gatwick airports - note for Gatwick Airport by Compass Lexecon(December 2013)
- A further note on regulation of an increasingly competitive airport sector by Professor Littlechild (September 2013)
- Response to initial proposals: Cost of capital; (2nd addendum) - note prepared for Gatwick Airport by Oxera(September 2013)
- Cost of debt indexation - report for Heathrow Airport by NERA (August 2013)
- Response to initial proposals: Cost of capital (addendum) - note prepared for Gatwick Airport by Oxera (August 2013)
- Comments on recent papers by BA and CEPA - Heathrow Airport (August 2013)
- Update of PwC analysis on the risk free rate report for Heathrow Airport by Europe Economics (August 2013)
- Choice of WACC range percentile for Q6 report for Heathrow Airport by Europe Economics(August 2013)
- Review of choice of high percentile WACC from a range in its initial proposal for cost of capital for HAL and GAL - report for CEPA and British Airways by Professor Sudarsanum(June 2013)
- A review of the CAA's approach to estimating the WACC for Q6 - a report for Heathrow Airport by NERA (June 2013)
- AT Kearney's airport operating cost benchmarking report for Gatwick - full report included as part of Gatwick Airport's response to CAA initial proposals(June 2013) - meeting with CAA, presentation to CAA
- A review of the risk assessment in the CAA's initial proposals for Q6 - report for Heathrow Airport by NERA (June 2013)
- Response to PwC arguments on the cost of capital for Q6 report for Heathrow Airport by Europe Economics (May 2013)
- Regulation of an increasingly competitive airport sector by Professor Littlechild(May 2013)
- Relative risk for London Heathrow - a report for London Heathrow by NERA (April 2013)
- Setting the weighted cost of capital for Heathrow and Gatwick in Q6 - report by British Airways for CEPA(April 2013)
- Heathrow Airport's cost of capital - report on behalf of Heathrow by Europe Economics(April 2013)
- What is the cost of capital for Gatwick Airport beyond Q5 - Methodology and estimation - report for Gatwick Airport by Oxera(January 2013)
- How has the risk of Gatwick Airport changed since the start of Q5 - note prepared for Gatwick Airport by Oxera(December 2012)
- Comment on the split cost of capital proposal of Professor Helm submitted by British Airways - prepared for BAA(March 2012)
- The split cost of capital and utility regulation with particular reference to airports - paper commissioned by British Airways by Dieter Helm (December 2011)
- Adjusting Heathrow's cost of capital for skewness: Methodological and qualitative issues - report for BAA (September 2011
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