We granted an economic licence to Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL). The licence sets out HAL’s obligations. The licence, an operator determination, our notice granting the licence and supporting documentation, and documents relating to our licensing of HAL are below:
- Licence granted to Heathrow Airport Limited (latest version, September 2024)
- Heathrow Airport Limited operator determination (January 2014)
- Market power determination in relation to Heathrow Airport - statement of reasons (January 2014)
Modifications to the licence
Licence conditions can be modified in two ways:
- using a statutory process to modify set out in the Civil Aviation Act 2012
- using a self-modification process in which HAL and its airline community can modify certain specified parts of the service quality statement of standards and rebates in Schedule 1 of the licence
Public register of modifications to the Heathrow licence
22 December 2021
Effective date of modification
2 February 2022
Type of modification
Section 22 of Civil Aviation Act 2012
Modified condition(s)
- Conditions A3.1(f) and (g); and C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.5, C4.1, E1.3, E1.5(a)&(b), E2.2, E3.1, E3.5, Schedule 1: paragraphs 2.1(e),(f) &(j), 2.4, 2.28(a)&(b), 3.2, 3.4, 3.4(a)&(b), 3.5, 3.7, 3.11, 3.13, 3.15, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 5.2(b) 6.2, 6.3(c) and 6.6;
- a new Condition C1;
- Conditions C2.5, 2.6
- Schedule 1 paragraphs 4.1, 4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5 and 4.6 and Table 9.
Effect of modification
- insert new price control condition to set a new 'holding price cap' for 2022;
- consequential changes to the Licence, including Schedule 1, to update the price control arrangements; minor changes to remove a redundant term.
Responses to CAP2265 2022 Charges
5 November 2019
Effective date of modification
17 December 2019
Type of modification
Section 22 of Civil Aviation Act 2012
Modified condition(s)
Conditions A3.1(g); new B3.1, B3.2 & B3.3; C1.2; C1.4 including Table C1 & Table C2; C1.9 (Table C3); C1.11 including Table C4; C1.12; new C1.13, C1.14 & C1.15; C1.16 ((d), (h), (j), (p) & (q)); C2.5; 2.6; C4.1; D1.10; E1.5; new E1.6 and subsequent renumbering; new E1.8; Paragraphs 2.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, Table 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 9, in Schedule 1
Effect of modification
- extend the current price control by a two year interim period, up to 31 December 2021, taking account of the commercial arrangements between HAL and certain airlines for this period;
- include a new licence condition to promote economy and efficiency by HAL in the operation, maintenance and development of Heathrow airport;
and - make minor changes to update the price control arrangements, remove obsolete terms and make a change to HAL's regulatory audit requirements to reflect current auditing guidelines
- Notice of modifications
- AOC response
- American Airlines response
- HAL response
- Heathrow Hub response and worksheet
- Heathrow West response
- IAG response
- Consultation
23 December 2016
Amendment: Paragraph 5 of the notice to allow for an annual recovery of £10m of Category B costs for a new northwest runway reported that the CAA had received a representation to its consultation proposing the modification from “the AOC representing the airline community”. The paragraph should have said that the CAA had received a joint representation to its consultation from “the LACC and the AOC representing the airline community".
21 December 2016
Effective date of modification
1 February 2017
Type of modification
Section 22 of Civil Aviation Act 2012
Modified condition(s)
Conditions C1.2, C1.12
Effect of modification
To allow for an annual recovery of £10m of Category B costs for a new northwest runway.
21 December 2016
Effective date of modification
1 February 2017
Type of modification
Section 22 of Civil Aviation Act 2012
Modified condition(s)
Conditions A3.1g, C1.2, C1.4, C1.9, C1.11, C2.5, C2.6, C2.7, C4.1; Table 9 in Schedule 1
Effect of modification
Extension of the Q6 price control by one year to 31 December 2019.
- Letter
- Notice
- HAL response
- Virgin response
- LACC/ AOC response
29 July 2016
Effective date of modification
29 July 2016
Type of modification
Modified condition(s)
Paragraphs 2.8a, 2.15, 2.18, 2.20; Tables 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 10e in Schedule 1
Effect of modification
Remove the question regarding overall cleanliness so the licence condition correctly captures the method used. Update the names of the Q6 governance bodies where agreement on some service quality issues can be taken. Remove references to audited rebates and bonuses and replace with references to rebates and bonuses reviewed and agreed by the CAA.
30 March 2015
Effective date of modification
30 March 2015
Type of modification
Modified condition(s)
Tables 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 10b in Schedule 1
Effect of modification
Change the delivery date of the automated security queue measurement from 1 April 2015 to a date agreed by HAL and the airline community.
24 March 2015
Effective date of modification
5 May 2015
Type of modification
Section 22 of Civil Aviation Act 2012
Modified condition(s)
Table C.3 in Condition C1.6
Effect of modification
Correct an error made to the inflation adjustment of development capex.
1 August 2014
Effective date of modification
1 August 2014
Type of modification
Modified condition(s)
Paragraph 2.3 and Table 3d in Schedule 1
Effect of modification
Technical changes to QSM measurement in Terminal 2 and measurement of pier served stand usage in Terminal 3.
Notices / guidance issued under the licence
30 July 2020
Related licence condition
Condition C2
Brief description
CAA decision on hold baggage screening costs
8 September 2017
Related licence condition
Schedule 1
Brief description
CAA determination on HAL’s updated service quality protocol
6 March 2015
Related licence condition
Brief description
HAL has to produce regulatory accounts in conformity with CAA regulatory accounting guidelines
19 November 2014
Related licence condition
Schedule 1
Brief description
CAA determination on HAL's service quality protocol
23 September 2014
Related licence condition
Brief description
Additional guidance for operational resilience plans
Q6 capital triggers definition sheets
HAL's licence contains triggers on the completion of capital projects. Documents relating to the triggers are below:
- Tunnels refurbishment (February 2014)
- Terminal 3 integrated baggage (February 2014)
- Terminal 4 Code F stand 410 (February 2014)
- Runway rehabilitation project (February 2014)
Capital investment triggers handbook
- Q6 Capital Investment Triggers handbook (March 2015)
Service quality
HAL pays rebates to airlines if its service quality does not reach specific standards. It also receives bonuses for out-performance. Documents relating to service quality at Heathrow in recent years are below: