Price control appeals
Price Control Appeals
CMA’s H7 appeals
The CMA has published its final determinations on the appeals
Notice of appeals
We received Notice of Appeals to our H7 Final Decision from the following:
Applications to intervene
The CMA has received Applications for Permission to Intervene in the Appeals against our H7 Final Decision from the following:
CAA Response to Notices of Appeal
The CAA has published its Response to the Notices of Appeal against our H7 Final Decision
Final decision
CAP2524 Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Final Decision, March 2023
CAP2524 sets out our final decision for Heathrow Airport Limited's (HAL) H7 price control review. It includes:
- A Summary document (CAP2524A)
- Section 1 on the regulatory framework (CAP2524B)
- Section 2 on the key price control 'building blocks' (CAP2524C)
- Section 3 on the financial framework (CAP2524D)
The appendices provide further information on the main issues covered in our determination:
- Appendices A – B (CAP2524E1)
- Appendix C (CAP2524E2)
- Appendices D – H (CAP2524E3)
- Consultation on ORC guidance (CAP2524F)
- Consultation on capex incentives guidance (CAP2524G)
- Decision document on recovery of Heathrow West costs (CAP2524H)
We have also published:
- additional information on opex and commercial revenues
- our final price control model
- our cost of new debt indexation model
- Skylark Consulting Group’s H7 Forecast Update Review (CAP2524I)
- Redacted commercial revenues and opex model
- Note of adjustments made to commercial revenues post FP
Responses to CAP2524F
- Heathrow Airport Ltd
- Airline Community (AOC/LACC)
- International Airlines Group (IAG)
- Arora Group
- Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA)
- Pandox