We have powers under the Civil Aviation Act 2012 for the economic regulation of airport operators that pass the market power test in the Act. In February 2014 we granted a licence to Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL). The licence includes commitments that GAL gave on airport charges for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2021.
The licence, an operator determination, our notice granting the licence and supporting documentation, and documents relating to our licensing of GAL are below:
- Licence granted to Gatwick Airport Limited (latest version, June 2021)
Modifications to the licence
Licence conditions can be modified in two ways:
- using a statutory process to modify set out in the Civil Aviation Act 2012
- using a self-modification process in which GAL and its airline community can modify certain specified parts of its commitments
Public register of modifications to the Gatwick licence
6 May 2021
Effective date of modification
18 June 2021
Type of modification
Section 22 of Civil Aviation Act 2012
Modified condition(s)
- Condition C1
- Condition D1.5 and D1.10
- Appendix: Conditions of Use
Effect of modification
- Introduce new Commitments for the price control period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2025.
- Minor drafting changes to provide clarity.
1 May 2014
Effective date of modification
1 May 2014
Type of modification
Modified condition(s)
Appendix: Conditions of Use
Effect of modification
- Core service standards – pier service and outbound baggage daily performance targets.
- Pier service metric and associated calculations.
- Outbound baggage metric and associated calculations.
- Amended trial information and check-in queue measurement.
- Amended definition for arrivals baggage target.
Gatwick Q6 decision documents
- Gatwick Airport Limited operator determination (January 2014)
- Economic regulation at Gatwick from April 2014 - notice granting the licence (February 2014)
- Market power determination in relation to Gatwick Airport - statement of reasons (January 2014)
More information on the market power assessment and the initial licence conditions (including the commitments) are on the Airport market power assessment and Gatwick price control pages accordingly.
Operational resilience at Gatwick airport
GAL is obliged to produce an operational resilience plan under its licence. Documents relating to the requirement are below:
- Gatwick - additional guidance for operation resilience plans required under Condition C1 of the licence and Condition 7 of Gatwick Airport Conditions of Use (September 2014)
- Gatwick - consultation on additional guidance for operational resilience plans (July 2014)
- Review of operational resilience at Heathrow and Gatwick - report by Steer Davies Gleave (July 2014)
Service quality at Gatwick
GAL pays rebates to airlines if its service quality does not reach specific standards. Details of its performance against the standards are on the Gatwick airport website.
- Audit of service quality regulation at Gatwick, Grant Thornton (CAP1564)