2017/2018 review
- Final advice on Market Conditions for Terminal Air Navigation Services in the UK - CAP 1648 (April 2018)
- Responses to CAP 1634 - CAP 1652 (April 2018)
- Draft advice to Secretary of State for consultation on market conditions for terminal air navigation services in the UK - CAP 1634 (February 2018). The online consultation is available here.
- Responses to the Call for Evidence - CAP 1635 (February 2018)
- Call for evidence regarding the provision of TANS in the UK (November 2017). The previous consultation is available here.
- Letter from Secretary of State, regarding the provision of Terminal Air Navigation Services (TANS) in the UK, requesting CAA's assistance and Advice on whether market conditions continue to exist, as set out under Article 3 of the European Regulation No 391/2013 (October 2017).
2014 review
The CAA, at the request of the Department for Transport, has reviewed the contestability of ANSP terminal services in the UK. For more information please contact economicregulation@caa.co.uk.
- CAP 1293: Review of advice on SES Market Conditions for Terminal Air Navigation Services in the UK (May 2015)
- CAA's response to consultation CAP 1261 (May 2015)
- Review of CAP 1004: Market conditions for terminal air navigation services (TANS): A consultation - CAP 1261 (February 2015)
- Responses to consultation:
- CAA letter informing stakeholders of extension to deadline for report (November 2014)
- Department for Transport letter granting extension to deadline for report (November 2014)
- Call for evidence (September 2014)
- Responses to call for evidence:
- Belfast International (conversation)
- Birmingham Airport
- Cardiff Airport
- Gatwick Airport
- Heathrow Airport
- Luton Airport
- Manchester Airport Group
- NATS Services Ltd
- NATS draft interface agreements between en-route airport services
- Vantage (conversation)
- Responses to call for evidence:
- Department for Transport request for review of terminal air navigation services contestability (August 2014)
- CAA reply to Department for Transport request (August 2014)
2012/13 review
- Download a copy of the Department's request for the study(March 2013)
- Extension to submission date from the Department for Transport(November 2012)
- Details of the CAA's previous considerations of Terminal Air Navigation Service Contestability(National Archives)
- Final Advice to the DfT - Single European Sky - Market Conditions for Terminal Air Navigation Services in the UK(February 2013)
Reviews of terminal air navigation services (TANS) transitions at Birmingham and Gatwick
In February 2018, the CAA published further information for stakeholders in the TANS sector (CAP 1633), following the SDG review of transitions.
In February 2017, we published the results of Steer Davies Gleave's reviews of the TANS transitions at Birmingham and Gatwick airports. The reviews found that no issues had emerged so far in terms of the continuity or quality of service, but identified a number of challenges that had emerged between the incoming and outgoing providers. The reports contained a number of recommendations to the CAA and other stakeholders to help facilitate future transitions. Andrew Haines (the CAA's Chief Executive) wrote to stakeholders advising them of the main recommendations.
- Letter from Andrew Haines on reviews of TANS transitions (February 2017)
- Review of TANS provider transition at Birmingham (January 2017)
- Review of TANS provider transition at Gatwick (January 2017)
- Review of TANS provider transitions at Birmingham and Gatwick - Recommendations final report (January 2017)
European Commission decision on market conditions for terminal air navigation services in the UK
In October 2016, the European Commission published its decision that the market for terminal air navigation services in the UK is contestable (no. 2016/1940). The decision applies until 31 December 2019.
Letter from Andrew Haines to Stakeholders
In December 2015, the CAA's Chief Executive advised stakeholders that he expected airports and TANS providers to respond positively to the expected decision by the European Commission that the market conditions exist in the UK for the provision of terminal air navigation services.
Letter from Andrew Haines on the provision of terminal air navigation service(December 2015)
Reference: Commission Regulation (EC) No 391/2013 that lays down a common charging scheme for air navigation services.
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