Please also refer to our webpage giving an overview of the requirements and notification processes for obstacles in UK airspace.
Scope of the CAA’s role in planning consultations
Decisions concerning local land use and planning issues, including cases where local aerodromes may be affected or involved, lie solely within the remit of the relevant Local Planning Authority (LPA).
Although we will provide relevant aviation safety advice upon request, aside from cases that may involve CAA property, we are not routinely a statutory consultee for planning applications. When not a statutory consultee, the CAA will only respond to planning enquiries where there is something definitive to contribute.
There are, however, certain instances where we should be involved in planning discussions. The following table details the more typical subjects/scenarios and indicates if we should be involved:
Subject/Scenario |
CAA Involvement |
Contact Details |
Aviation stakeholder engagement |
Please refer to our Obstacles overview webpage |
Cranes |
Any crane operations associated with planned developments should be in accordance with our guidance on the subject, detailed in CAP 1096 and on the Crane notification webpage. |
Developments at (or near) aerodromes |
In all cases, aerodrome safeguarding responsibility rests with the aerodrome licence holder / operator, not the CAA. Accordingly, any LPA enquiry concerning a specific development that might have aerodrome safeguarding implications should be forwarded directly to the relevant aerodrome licence holder / operator. From a more strategic perspective, it is the published government advice that local development frameworks and other strategic planning documents include aeronautical safeguarding as policy. This applies not only to the officially safeguarded civil aerodromes, but also to other civil aerodromes where unofficial safeguarding procedures have been agreed between the operator / licensee and LPA. Town and Country Planning legislation includes a requirement to notify the CAA, the Secretary of State for Defence or the aerodrome operator, as appropriate, where a proposed development consists of the installation, alteration or replacement of a mast within 3 kilometres of the perimeter of an aerodrome. In all such cases, our advice is that the appropriate contact is the aerodrome licence holder/operator and the notification should be made directly to the aerodrome concerned. Aviation safeguarding responsibility extends beyond that associated with physical safeguarding and includes technical safeguarding to ensure the integrity of communications and navigation systems. The safeguarding of such systems is the responsibility of aerodrome licensees and their Air Traffic Service providers. Additionally, the nature of Instrument Flight Procedure (IFP) design demands that a separate safeguarding assessment of proposed development or construction and temporary obstacles be undertaken against current and any possible future IFPs. |
Developments that may affect military aerodromes should also be brought to the attention of the Safeguarding Department within the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, to ensure that military aircraft safety is taken into consideration.
Gas venting and flaring |
The venting and flaring of gas might have a potential impact upon the safe operation of aircraft in the immediate vicinity. Any plan associated with a facility that is expected to vent or flare gas, either routinely or in an emergency, should be brought to the attention of the CAA. |
Granting of planning permission contrary to objection by an officially safeguarded civil aerodrome or NATS |
It is essential that we are informed immediately whenever a LPA is minded to grant permission for a proposed development to which an officially safeguarded civil aerodrome or NATS has objected. This applies to all NATS sites and to the officially safeguarded aerodromes in England, Wales and Scotland. |
The points of contact for such notifications are: When wind turbines are involved – CAA Windfarms When wind turbines are not involved – CAA Aerodromes |
Nuclear installations |
In accordance with aviation legislation, UK facilities such as nuclear power stations are typically afforded an element of protection from aviation activity through the establishment of a Restricted Area (RA) encompassing each individual site. Aviation activity within any RA is limited to that specifically permitted by the legislation. We will need to be involved in any related planning process for nuclear installations. Any such planning processes should be notified to the CAA. |
Planning appeals |
We need not be kept informed of planning appeals unless we have previously provided related comment or the appeal has specific civil aviation relevance. |
Wind turbines |
Notwithstanding any future introduction of associated permitted development rights, we are willing to provide input to LPAs in respect of individual wind turbine proposals and more strategic development plans. Our policy and guidelines on wind turbines are detailed in CAP 764. |
Please also see our Useful links and contacts for obstacles webpage. |
Specific issues upon which the CAA should not be consulted
Other than any consultation required by Section 110 of the Localism Act 2011, it is not necessary to consult us about:
- Strategic planning documents (such as Local Development Framework and Core Strategy documents) other than those with direct aviation involvement (for example, Regional Renewable Energy Plans)
- Waste plans
- Screening opinions
- Low-rise structures. Except for wind turbine developments, we are unlikely to have any meaningful input related to applications associated with structures of a height of 100ft AGL or less that are situated away from aerodromes or other known sites of aviation activity
- Orders affecting Rights of Way or Footpaths
- Sub-surface developments
- General planning applications not affecting CAA property
Please be advised that we will not respond to correspondence received regarding the subjects listed above. Where consultation is required under Section 110 of the Localism Act 2011, we will only respond to specific questions (but will nevertheless record the receipt of all consultations). Where the Localism Act 2011 requires consultation with us, the associated point of contact is CAA Aerodromes.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact Airspace Regulation between the hours of 08:30 and 16:30 Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays). It may not be possible to action messages/notifications submitted after 16:00 until the next working day.
Planned periods of extended closure of the Airspace Regulation section will be notified here: