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The CAA’s guidance on the regulatory process for changing the notified airspace design is detailed within CAP1616. This guidance was first published in December 2017. Four updates have followed and the fifth edition came into force on 2 January 2024.

Transition arrangements to version 5

This airspace change process (CAP 1616, version 5) came into force on 2 January 2024 for permanent airspace change proposals.

Any permanent airspace change proposals commenced on or after 2 January 2024 are assessed against the requirements of the version 5 process.

All change sponsors with permanent airspace change proposals in process before 2 January 2024 under CAP 1616 (i.e., where an assessment meeting had already taken place) and in Stages 1-4, were informed of the requirements that apply to their submissions and this was published on the portal. Airspace change proposals in Stages 5-6 continue as planned and are not affected by the publication of CAP 1616, version 5.

For all airspace change proposals following CAP 725, the proposal will continue to be assessed against the requirements of CAP 725.

All post implementation reviews will be conducted in accordance with CAP 1616, version 5, the requirements of which have not materially changed.

CAP 1616g, Guidance for temporary airspace change proposals and airspace trials came into force on 18 March 2024. Any temporary or trial airspace change proposals commenced on or after that date are assessed against the requirements of the process described in CAP 1616g. All temporary or trial airspace change proposals where an assessment meeting has taken place, and a timeline has been agreed with the CAA, before 18 March 2024 are assessed against the requirements of the process as described in CAP 1616 version 4

How we developed the CAP1616 airspace change process

In 2015, we started reviewing our airspace change process and undertook nearly three years of detailed review work and two public consultations.

Close How we developed the CAP1616 airspace change process

CAP 1616 version 5

On first publication, the CAA committed to undertake a review of CAP 1616 process in 2021, three years after its implementation.

The CAA has completed a full review of CAP1616, with version 5 of CAP1616 published in Autumn 2023. 

Close CAP 1616 version 5

Summary of the improvements made to the airspace change process

  • The revised process and guidance take into consideration feedback and insights from stakeholders affected by airspace change
  • The improvements focus on simplification, clarification, and proportionality and will make the airspace change process easier to follow.
Close Summary of the improvements made to the airspace change process

Overview of improvements in CAP 1616 version 5

  • The scope of the airspace change process has been clarified, to focus on changes to existing airspace design or changes that could impact the airspace design. Administrative changes (previously level 0) are no longer within the scope of the process
  • Level definitions have been modified
  • References to ‘steps’ have been removed from the process so that the focus is on the seven stages and related activities within these stages
  • To highlight the degree of compliance expected against each requirement, we have used will/must, should or may – the use of each one has been defined
  • Guidance on temporary airspace change proposals and airspace trials has been separated into a standalone publication
  • Outside of the process and associated guidance, we have developed submission checklists for change sponsors to use for Stages 1-4, the use of which are now a mandatory requirement.

Stage 1

  • There is more emphasis on development of the current-day scenario and detailed guidance on what should be included
  • Mandatory and discretionary design principles have been introduced.

Stage 2

  • There is more emphasis on developing realistic and viable design options
  • Clarification has been provided on development of baseline scenarios and detailed guidance on what should be included
  • Engagement requirements have been explained more clearly.

Stage 3

  • Clarification has been provided on how consultation can be scaled, when appropriate
  • The responsibility for moderating consultation responses has been transferred to the change sponsor
  • The requirement to publish a consultation response document has been brought forward from Stage 4 to Stage 3.

Stages 4, 5, 6 and 7

  • These stages remain largely unchanged, but we have clarified the requirements and our expectations.
Close Overview of improvements in CAP 1616 version 5

CAP 1616 version 5 engagement 

We held a webinar on 28 November 2023 to run through some of the revisions and improvements made to the process. The slides for the webinar are available to read, and include questions that were asked during the session.


Our approach was aligned to CAP 1616 principles on engagement and consultation. It involved initial stakeholder engagement at a representative level and a formal consultation process.





Internal workshops

Summer 2021

June 2021

External workshops - Stakeholder engagement at representative level

Autumn 2021

September 2021

Public engagement

Winter 2021/2022

November 2021

Formal consultation

Winter / Spring 2023

March 2023

Publication of updated process

Autumn 2023

Autumn 2023

Internal workshops

In June 2021, the CAA held internal workshops where Airspace Regulators reviewed all stages of the airspace change process as well as the processes governing trials and temporary airspace changes. The outputs from these sessions informed further stakeholder engagement held in Autumn 2021.

External workshops

In Autumn 2021, the CAA held a series of virtual workshops where invited stakeholders representing industry including sponsors, approved procedure design organisations (APDOs), general aviation, environmental bodies and community representatives were asked for their input. The content of the workshops was informed by the CAA discussions on where amendments could be made to the process or where further guidance could be provided.

Public engagement

Our early engagement activities were followed by a public engagement exercise - launched in November 2021. This provided all our stakeholders with 28-days to provide feedback on potential changes or amendments to the CAP 1616 process, through an online survey. The CAA analysed all feedback received and published an engagement summary report setting out our findings on the CAA’s engagement platform.


Our formal consultation closed on 19 March 2023. Thank you to all those who responded. The consultation materials and consultation response document can be accessed on our engagement platform.

Close CAP 1616 version 5 engagement 

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

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  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis