The National Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (NATMAC) is a non-statutory advisory body chaired by the CAA. The Committee is consulted for advice and views on any major matter concerned with airspace management and strategy matters.
It is widely recognised that engagement activities of an airspace change sponsor usually includes engagement with relevant NATMAC members. This is because NATMAC has representation from across the UK Aviation community. The CAP1616 airspace change process specifically requires engagement with relevant NATMAC members during the early stages of the process to support the development of design principles and design options prior to formal consultation occurring.
NATMAC also assists the CAA in the development of airspace policies, configurations, and procedures in order that due attention is given to the diverse requirements of all users of United Kingdom airspace, civil and military.
The Committee is chaired by the Head of Airspace, Air Traffic Management & Aerodromes at the CAA. Membership is at the chair’s discretion and remains under constant review.
For any questions and for the latest copy of the NATMAC contact list please contact the secretary on the following email address:
Future NATMAC plenary dates
NATMAC meets twice a year, here are the next scheduled dates:
NATMAC 96 – 10 October 2024
NATMAC 97 – 3 April 2025
NATMAC 98 – 9 October 2025
Committee membership
Airlines UK
Airports UK - formerly named Airport Operators Association (AOA)
AOG - Airfield Operators Group
AOPA - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
ACOG - Airspace Change Organising Group
ARPAS-UK - Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems UK
AEF - Aviation Environment Federation
BA - British Airways
BAE Systems
BALPA - British Air Line Pilots Association
BBAC - British Balloon and Airship Club
BBGA - British Business and General Aviation Association
BGA - British Gliding Association
BHA - British Helicopter Association
BHPA – British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
BMAA - British Microlight Aircraft Association
British Skydiving
Drone Major
GAA - General Aviation Alliance
GATCO – Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers
HCAP – Honourable Company of Air Pilots
HCGB - Helicopter Club of Great Britain
Isle of Man CAA
LAA – Light Aircraft Association
Low Fare Airlines
MAA – Military Aviation Authority
Ministry of Defence - Defence Airspace and Air Traffic Management
NATS – National Air Traffic Services
Navy Command HQ
UKAB - UK Airprox Board
UKFSC - United Kingdom Flight Safety Committee
USAFE - United States Visiting Forces (USVF), HQ United States Country Rep-UK (HQ USCR-UK)