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ACP reference: ACP-2015-10

Sponsor: Leeds Bradford Airport

This proposal concerns the development of new RNAV departure and arrival procedures at Leeds Bradford airport.

The CAA will carry out a completeness check to determine if all ACP documentation has been received; this was due to be completed by 14 Jan 2019. However, the Completeness Check period has been extended in order to allow the Sponsor to provide all the relevant information required under CAP725. If this is successful, then the case study analysis will commence.

Last updated: 30 May 2019

Framework briefing held with organisations considering proposal of the change 23 Sep 2016

Sponsor's formal airspace change proposal (date received by CAA)

Enclosure 1: LBA ACP Consultation Document Issue 1 dated 15th June 2017

Enclosure 2: LBA ACP Consultation Document Issue 1.1 dated 29th June 2017

Enclosure 3: LBA Consultation Document - Issue 2 dated 14th July 2017

Enclosure 4: LBA Addendum to Consultation Document dated 18th September 2017

Enclosure 5: Consultation Feedback Report

Enclosure 6: Environmental Report

Enclosure 7: Safety Assessments

a. Safety Case Part 1 (not published by the Change Sponsor due to commercial sensitivities)

b. Safety Case Part 2 (not published by the Change Sponsor due to commercial sensitivities)

c. Safety Case Part 3 and 4 (not published by the Change Sponsor due to commercial sensitivities)

Enclosure 8: Proposed IFPs (Technical Documentation)

a. Annex A (contained within formal airspace change proposal submission)

b. Annex B (contained within formal airspace change proposal submission)

Enclosure 9: Consultation Responses

Enclosure 10: Draft letters of agreement

Enclosure 11: LBA Proposed CTR Amendment - Analysis of Containment of IFPs (diagram available in formal airspace change proposal submission)

Enclosure 12: Procedures Flight Validation Plan (will not be available until the regulatory decision has been made)

Enclosure 13: Draft IAIP AD 2-EGNM-1 Leeds Bradford Aerodrome - Textual Data amendment

18 Dec 2018

CAA document completeness check undertaken and completed - January 2019

Following the 'completeness check' the CAA confirms that all ACP documentation has been received from the Sponsor and a redacted version of the Sponsor's final proposal has been published. Any stakeholder may submit a 'call in' requesting that the final decision about changes to the design of UK airspace is made by the Secretary of State for Transport rather than the CAA. The 'call in' for Leeds Bradford's Airspace Change Proposal is open until 18 February 2019. Details on the process and how to submit a request can be found here.

21 Jan 2019

The CAA has received a request for the final decision on this airspace change proposal to be called in by the Secretary of State for Transport. The CAA now has a period of 3-weeks to determine whether the call-in-criteria has been met and to prepare/submit its assessment to the Department for Transport.

Secretary of State Call-In Request - 15th February 2019

Secretary of state call-in request - 19th February 2019

DfT Request for CAA Call-In Assessment

CAA assessment of the call-in criteria

Letter from DfT on Leeds-Bradford call-in assessment

March 2019
Additional feedback/comments on CAA assessment of call-in criteria  
Operational assessment by CAA  
Consultation assessment by CAA 30 May 2019
Plain English Summary of Safety Assessment 28 March 2019
Environmental assessment by CAA  
Decision document 30 May 2019
Change implementation date N/A
AIRAC distribution date / AIP amendment


PIR initiation date N/A
Sponsor's analysis N/A
CAA PIR assessment N/A

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