A student Air Traffic Controller Licence (ATCO) permits the holder to provide an Air Traffic Control (ATC) service for the purpose of Unit Training.
The student ATCO licence holder can only provide this service under the supervision of a fully qualified ATCO, who holds an on-the-job training instructor licence endorsement.
The service being provided must be in the ATC discipline for which initial training has been successfully completed at an approved UK initial training organisation.
Requirements to be granted a Student ATCO Licence
Applicants for a Student Air Traffic Controller Licence must:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Have successfully completed an approved basic and at least one rating course of initial training at an approved UK initial training organisation.
- Hold a certificate, issued by an approved UK ATCO language assessment body, which demonstrates the competence to speak and understand the English language to at least level 4 of the ICAO Language Proficiency Scale.
- Hold a current UK issued Class 3 medical certificate.
Requirements to add an additional rating to Student ATCO Licence
The holder of a student ATCO licence may add additional ratings to their licence after the completion of the appropriate training course at a UK initial training organisation.
After application this will result in the issue of a new student ATCO licence containing the additional rating.
How do I apply?
Applications for a student Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) licence and to add additional ratings are made to Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Air Traffic Service (ATS) Licensing Assessment on the Issue of a Student Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) Licence form (SRG1421).
How much does it cost?
The cost of the grant of a student Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) licence is detailed in the Official Record Series ORS 5 - CAA Scheme of Charges (Personnel Licensing)
There is no charge to add additional ratings to a Student ATCO licence.
What do I need to send with my application?
A certified ID is required only for the issue of a student Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) licence. This is not required when applying for additional ratings to be added to a licence.
More information on what constitutes a certified ID is provided in the guidance notes attached to the Application for the Issue of a Student Air Traffic Controller License or the inclusion of Additional Ratings form (SRG1421).
What else do I need to know?
You will need to read the guidance notes attached to the Application for the Issue of a Student Air Traffic Controller License or the inclusion of Additional Ratings (SRG1421) application form to ensure that it has been correctly completed.
Incorrect or incomplete application forms may delay the issue of the licence.
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
Applications for a student ATCO licence normally be processed within 10 working days, although for administrative reasons, it may not always possible to meet this target and the application will be processed as soon as possible.
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Licensing Assessment will contact you if there are any queries regarding your application.
What happens next?
After all checks have been completed and we are content that application has been completed correctly, it will then be processed and the licence produced and dispatched to the applicant’s unit or home address as appropriate.
How long is it valid for?
A student Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) licence does not expire, but unit training in the rating held must commence within 12 months of having completed the approved initial training course.
Student ATCO licence holders who fail to meet this criterion will be required to complete an assessment of previous competence.