UK Regulation 2017/373, the “Air Traffic Management (ATM) / Air Navigation Services (ANS) Implementing Regulation” (ATM/ANS IR) took effect in law on 2 January 2020. The Regulation lays down common requirements for providers of ATM and ANS and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight. The ATM/ANS IR is based on ATM-related ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS).
EU Exit
At 23:00 on 31 December 2020 the UK left the European Union aviation system and as such is no longer part of European Union aviation institutions, including the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
We have published the law that now applies (i.e. those laws as retained (and amended in UK domestic law) under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018) on a dedicated UK Regulations section of the CAA website.
This includes UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373 ‘The ATM/ANS IR ’and its associated acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM).
Future Amendments
The CAA intends to undertake a rulemaking task to update the ATM/ANS IR, harmonising ATM/ANS safety regulation under the umbrella of the Basic Regulation (UK Reg (EU) 2018/1139). This will consolidate and streamline the relevant existing requirements under one regimen for the benefit of all stakeholders, by removing the significant complexity that currently exists within the ‘ruleset’ (Rulemaking task 0021 refers).
Related Information
Useful links
- More information concerning Single European Sky interoperability requirements
- More on SERA can be found at
- More information on the UK's ADQ Regulation implementation project (including presentations from CAA ADQ workshops)
- CAA policy regarding remote towers can be found at
- For more information concerning ATCO licensing see UK Reg (EU) 2015/340, CAP 1251 Air Traffic Controllers - Licensing, the CAA website.