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The UK’s recognition of ANSP certificates issued in the EU/EEA ended on the 31st December 2022.
It is therefore necessary for those EU/EEA ANSPs that provide services in the UK FIR to obtain certification under Regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 from the UK CAA.

The Application Process

Application for certification should be made to the UK CAA on form SRG1434 (Application for Certification by an EU Member State or EEA Air Navigation Service Provider to provide services in the United Kingdom Flight Information Region).

Before completing the SRG 1434 Application Form the applicant should read the Completion Instructions attached to the form and supply the require documentation detailed in section 5 and reproduced below under ‘Required documentation’.

There is a charge associated with the application which is detailed in the CAA Scheme of Charges (Aerodrome Air Traffic Services Regulation, EEA Air Navigation Service Providers).

This charge is to be paid by completing the FCS 1500 Payment Application which is attached the SRG 1434 Application Form.

The FCS 1500 Payment Application and SRG 1434 Application Form are to be submitted together at time of application.

Required documentation

  • The completed SRG 1434 application form.
  • The completed FCS 1500 Payment Application form
  • The organisation Accountability and Responsibilities of the manager(s) including matters on which they may deal directly with the UK competent authority on behalf of the organisation
  • An organisational chart showing lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the Organisation
  • A general description of resources, facilities, and activities
  • Change Management Procedure and associated approval issued by your EU member State or EEA Competent Authority
  • Psychoactive Substances Policy and associated approval issued by your EU member State or EEA Competent Authority
  • The ATCO Rostering process and policy for Stress and Fatigue management
  • Air Traffic Service Operational Manuals and Maintenance Exposition
  • Management System Manuals including Safety Management System, Quality Management System, Security Management System
  • A list of organisations or partners, subcontractors, or contracted organisations if any
  • A copy of your current EU Member State or EEA Competent Authority EU Reg No. 2017/373 ANSP Certificate

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis