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ATCO training organisations fall into the following two categories; Initial Training Organisations (ITO) and Training Organisations (TO).

Initial Training Organisations (ITO)

ITOs are certified to provide the following training:

  • Basic, rating and rating endorsement training leading to the grant of a student air traffic controller’s licence and additional rating and rating endorsement training for Air Traffic Controllers.

In addition, they may provide the following training if approved to do so:

  • Training and assessment for Practical Instructors and Assessors leading to the grant, revalidation or renewal of one or more of the following licence endorsements:
    • On Job Training Instructor (OJTI)
    • Synthetic Training Device Instructor (STDI)
    • Assessor licence endorsements
  • APC – Assessment of Previous Competence
  • Adapted Unit Endorsement Courses following recognition of an EU ATC licence

Training Organisations (TO)

Certified ANSPs who are certified to provide an Air Traffic Control (ATC) services must also be certified as a Training Organisation to provide the following training:

  • Unit training leading to the grant of an air traffic controller’s licence and the issue of rating endorsements,
  • Continuation training, and
  • Conversion training.

In addition, they may provide the following training if approved to do so:

  • Training and assessment for Practical Instructors and Assessor leading to the grant, revalidation and/or renewal of one or more of the following licence endorsements:
    • On Job Training Instructor (OJTI)
    • Synthetic Training Device Instructor (STDI)
    • Assessor licence endorsements
  • Adapted Unit Endorsement Courses following recognition of an EU ATC licence

Certification Requirements

To provide initial training at an ITOs or unit training at a TO, the organisations must be in possession of the relevant certificate issued by the CAA in accordance with Regulation 2015/340 Annex II, Subpart E.

To achieve certification the organisations must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Regulation 2015/340 Annex III (Part ATCO.OR).

Application for Certification

Application for certification as an TO is made to the CAA on form SRG1427.

Application for certification as an ITO is made to the CAA on form SRG1431.

Applicants for certification as an ITO or TO are also to complete the relevant sections of the Regulation 2015/340 Air Traffic Controllers Licensing and Certification compliance matrix and submit the completed matrix with their application.

The compliance matrices should reference applicable supporting documentation, which must also be submitted.


There is no charge for the issue of a certificate to a TO as this is included within the change for ANSP certification and designation.

There is a charge associated with the issue of a certificate to an ITO and the appropriate payment must be submitted with the SRG1431 application. Refer to CAA Scheme of Charges ORS5 - Personnel Licensing.


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