The improper carriage of dangerous goods by passengers poses a risk to flight safety. Passengers are forbidden from travelling with certain types of dangerous goods such as corrosive substances. Certain other dangerous goods are permitted subject to quantity limits and/or restrictions on where they may be carried on board, which exist to ensure an acceptable level of safety.
Airport operators, air operators and ground handling agents must ensure that information on the types of dangerous goods which passengers are forbidden to transport aboard an aircraft is communicated effectively to them.
This information must be presented at each of the places at an airport where:
- tickets are issued,
- boarding passes are issued,
- passenger baggage is dropped off and aircraft boarding areas are maintained
and - at any other location where passengers are issued boarding passes and/or checked baggage is accepted.
The information must include visual examples of dangerous goods forbidden from transport aboard an aircraft.
The method to provide the required information to passengers is not prescribed but it must be effective. If notices are displayed, their size, number and prominence must provide assurance that a passenger will see them. These factors also apply to the use of TV screens but additionally, if the dangerous goods message is rotated with other information, it needs to have sufficient screen time to be effective. Other supplemental opportunities to provide dangerous goods information to passengers at the airport should be considered including display cabinets containing prohibited dangerous goods and public-address announcements.
The CAA has redesigned its poster which may be used at the airport to communicate dangerous goods information to passengers.
Use the links below to download the 'Beware! poster - items not allowed in checked or cabin baggage':
The new design aims to more clearly explain the types of dangerous goods which are prohibited, those which may only be carried in the cabin and those which are only permitted on one’s person. The poster is provided in portrait and landscape orientation which may be preferable when displayed on TV screens.
Printing for physical display needs to be to a good standard and the notices should be resistant to or protected from damage through wear and tear.