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Part-NCC requires each operator to adhere to the same essential requirements as commercial air transport operators but the rules are proportionate.

Instead of holding an AOC, operators must submit a declaration to us about their operation.

The declaration will help us to establish and maintain the required oversight programme for Part-NCC aircraft.


Declarations should be made by operators of complex motor-powered aircraft flying non-commercial flights:

  • with an aircraft which is registered in the UK, wherever the operator is established or residing; or
  • with an aircraft which is registered in a State other than the UK but where the operator is established or residing in the UK.

The operator will need to be aware of the legal requirements surrounding this issue and act within them.

The operator must have an approved minimum equipment list (MEL) for each aircraft.

How do I determine who the operator is?

To determine who the operator is you should consider who is responsible for functions such as:

  • Making sure the pilots are licensed, trained and hold the correct ratings
  • Making sure the aircraft is insured
  • Making sure flight planning is undertaken
  • Ensuring the aircraft is airworthy/maintained and properly equipped in accordance with the operating rules
  • Writing and updating the Operations Manual
  • Applying for approvals (RVSM, LVO etc.) and therefore, in whose name is the approval given
  • Maintaining records, submitting MORs
  • Who is responsible for delivering those functions where, in the rules, it says 'an operator shall...'

The person responsible for these things is the operator. If the operator is established or resident in the UK (regardless of where the aircraft is registered) they should make a declaration to the CAA and show their UK address in the 'Operator' section of the declaration. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not part of the UK for the purposes of these regulations.

It is possible that the place from which the operations are normally conducted is different from the place at which the operator is established or residing. If that is the case, there are provisions for that to be shown on the declaration.

It should be noted that, in addition to the above, if the aircraft is registered in the UK and the operator is established or residing outside the UK then a declaration must be made to the CAA.

Who should make the declaration?

The declaration must be completed by the 'accountable manager' for the operation.

The accountable manager is a person, appointed by the operator, who has the authority for ensuring that all activities can be financed and carried out in accordance with the applicable requirements. The accountable manager is responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective management system. The accountable manager may be the same person as the operator.

How much does it cost?

Scheme of charges

The declaration is open-ended until any changes are made to the operational circumstances.

What else do I need to know?

How do I make a declaration?

The declaration must be completed by the accountable manager for the operation. Use this online form to make your declaration.

Guidance for making your declaration

Specific approvals

The declaration includes Specific Approvals held by the operator.

  • You must declare whether or not the operator holds a Specific Approval for the carriage of Dangerous Goods.
  • Other Specific Approvals held must also be declared.

More detail covering Specific Approvals can be found in Annex V (Part-SPA) to the UK Air Operations Regulations.

Close Specific approvals

Alternative Means of Compliance

The Air Operations Regulation contains implementing rules which must be complied with.

There are also published acceptable means of compliance (AMCs). The AMCs give more detail regarding the implementing rules and they demonstrate an acceptable means of compliance.

When an operator uses the AMC then there is a presumption of compliance with the rule. However, an operator may develop an alternative means of compliance; they must still fully meet the requirements of the implementing rules, but by way of an alternative means or procedure set out in the operations manual.

As part of the declaration you must state whether or not you use any alternative means of compliance. If you do, you must then state a reference to those published AMCs for which you are using an alternative means of compliance. You do not need to submit the alternative text.

Close Alternative Means of Compliance

State of aircraft registration

For commercial specialised operations the aircraft must have an certificate of airworthiness in accordance with UK Regulation (EU) No748/2012.

Continuing airworthiness

You will also have to provide details of your Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO), including their approval reference.

Close State of aircraft registration

Declaring multiple aircraft

If you have multiple aircraft to declare under your operation please click on the add aircraft button for every aircraft.

On completion the form will calculate the fee based on the number of aircraft declared.

Close Declaring multiple aircraft

Aircraft operated under an 'Industry standard'

If the aircraft is operated under an 'industry standard', such as IS-BAO, this information should be included.

For operators having demonstrated compliance with industry standards, we may adapt our oversight programme accordingly.

Close Aircraft operated under an 'Industry standard'

What happens next?

  • Please make the declaration and print a copy to keep on the aircraft as a record.
  • You will receive a verification message from us within 10 days.

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