All Weather Operations (AWOPS) approvals allow aircraft to make low visibility take-offs and landings.
The Air Navigation Order states that an aircraft "must not conduct a Category II, Category IIIA or Category IIIB approach and landing; or take off when the relevant runway visual range is less than 150 metres" unless approval to do so has been issued.
Category II
Landing following a precision approach using an Instrument Landing System or Microwave System with a decision height of below 200 feet but not less than 100 feet. Runway visual range: not less than 300 metres.
Category IIIA
Landing following a precision approach using an Instrument Landing System or Microwave System with a decision height of below 100 feet. Runway visual range: not less than 200 metres.
Category IIIB
Landing following a precision approach using an Instrument Landing System or Microwave System with a decision height of below 50 feet. Runway visual range: less than 200 metres but not less than 75 metres.
AWOPS approval will be granted only to aircraft holding the appropriate equipment and applying additional training, procedures and maintenance.
UK Reg (EU) 965/2012 determines the requirements Subpart E determines the requirements set for Category II, IIIA and IIIB operations, and low visibility take-offs.
Applying for AWOPS Approval - AOC Holders
Application should be made directly to the designated Flight Operations Inspector. The fee due is included within the cost of an AOC application in accordance with the CAA Scheme of Charges - Air Operator and Police Air Operator Certificates.
Applying for AWOPS Approval - Non-AOC Holders
Application should be made to the General Aviation Unit. The fee due is in accordance with the CAA Scheme of Charges - General Aviation.
Please note that foreign operators wishing to conduct low visibility take-off and landing in the UK no longer require a CAA AWOPS approval. However, approval must be sought from the NAA of the State of aircraft registry before AWOPS operations are performed in the UK.