The Air Navigation Order (ANO) requires operators to hold an appropriate approval or permission for certain activities and equipment.
Exemptions may be applied for and granted if the CAA is satisfied that an equivalent level of safety will be assured. Holders of approvals can also apply for a variation to any current approval or permission.
Some approvals often require additional continuing airworthiness management.
Further information:
Helicopter AOC Holders applying for a Permission or Exemption should use the Helicopter Permission/Exemption Template (SRG 1843) to check that all required information is included. A Word version of the Helicopter Permission/Exemption Template is also available to make completion easier.
Operators must have approval from the CAA to:
- add or remove an aircraft type to or from their AOC
- change the operating regions of their aircraft
- make any other changes to their AOC
Operators wishing to use an Electronic flight bag
CAT Operators
In accordance with CAT.GEN.MPA.141, the use of an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) on aircraft involved in CAT operations requires prior approval from the CAA. Operators should submit a request to who will forward the request to the appropriate Flight Operations Inspector (FOI). Operators will be required to complete and sign the EFB compliance checklist (SRG1849) and submit this to their FOI along with their EFB Policy and Procedures Manual, a risk assessment for EFB use, and any other supporting documentation. Details of the various requirements are listed in UK Reg (EU) 965/2012, Annex V (Part SPA), Subpart M, but use of the SRG1849 will guide operators to the appropriate sections, and ensure that all requirements have been met.
The FOI will review the submitted documents and, if accepted, will authorise the commencement of an Operational Evaluation Test. During the Operational Evaluation Test, the operator must achieve a statistically viable level of feedback reports (both negative and nil reports), and address any issues raised during the test. On the successful completion of the test the operator must submit its Final Operational Report; once this is accepted by the FOI the approval to conduct EFB operations will be added to the operator's Operations Specification document.
This approval process must be repeated for any change EFB hardware or hardware operating system, or the introduction of any new Type B application.
NCC and SPO Operator
Although CAA approval for the use of EFB for NCC operations is not required, NCC operators are required to comply with the requirements of NCC.GEN.131 - Use of Electronic Flight Bags.
Completion of the appropriate section of SRG1849 will ensure that operators have met these requirements.
NCO Operator
CAA approval is not required for the use of EFB in NCO operations; however, operators are required to comply with the requirements of NCO.GEN.125 and its associated AMC material.
Change of nominated postholder or accountable manager
Changes to the key personnel in an organisation must be notified to CAA.
Please ensure that the CAA policy on fitness of character is fully understood before submission of an application.
You can add or remove/change the details of one or several people, including identifying their role(s) and the types of approvals(s) they have responsibility for, by completing the Change of Accountable Manager or Nominated Postholder form. There is no charge for changes of personnel.
Please note that for changes of Nominated Postholders, a Form 4 (SRG2185A) will need to be completed and attached to the application.
Most changes constitute a formal variation and are subject to the CAA Scheme of Charges - Air Operator and Police Air Operator Certificates.
Applying for an AOC Variation
- Submit CAA Form SRG 1802, together with the appropriate fee.
Details of costs can be found in the CAA Scheme of Charges - Air Operator and Police Air Operator Certificates.
The completed application form and fee should reach the CAA at least 30 working days before the date of intended operation.
Applicants will receive a decision within 30 working days of receipt of all documentation, including appropriate Operations Manual extracts, amended (where necessary) to the CAA's satisfaction.
An Exemption from the ANO can never be regarded as a means of circumventing the law for commercial expediency and will be granted only when the CAA is satisfied that an equivalent level of safety will be assured.
Flying Displays
AOC holders wishing to display their aircraft must first obtain a Display Authorisation or Exemption. For further information, see Flying Displays and Special Events.
Checklists and related guidance for AOC holders are provided to assist in their compliance with operational requirements. Some of these checklists will be required when the AOC is varied (see form SRG 1802).