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Dry Leasing is defined under EU regulations as an "agreement between undertakings pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the AOC of the Lessee".

In the UK, the period of transfer will not normally exceed seven months. However, it is possible to extend this dry lease period for up to a further five months, totalling a maximum of 12 months for the dry lease agreement.

Note: After a dry lease period of 12 months, at least 5 months should elapse before making another dry lease application for the aircraft.

Note: There is a charge associated with dry leasing applications. See the details on Leasing Application Charges.

Applications for the Dry Lease-in of a UK registered should include the following minimum information

  • aircraft type, model and serial number;
  • name and address of the registered owner;
  • registration marks, nationality and state of registration of the aircraft;
  • routes to be flown;
  • the period of the lease (start and end date) and whether or not it is proposed to put the aircraft on the UK register in the future;
  • copy of the lease agreement or description of lease provisions;
  • the design standard of the aircraft and, in particular, any failure to comply with the applicable airworthiness requirements for certificate;
  • the proposed arrangements for the continued airworthiness/maintenance of the aircraft. Advice can be obtained from the UK lessee’s supervising Survey Department Regional Office.
  • items of equipment not fitted or not in compliance with requirements should be identified and exemptions applied for. There is no guarantee that such exemptions will be granted;
  • name and address of the Lessor, if different from the registered owner;
  • the name of the department or a contact in the foreign DCA/CAA dealing with the lease. The foreign operator may have this information. However, the foreign Authority will normally make initial contact with the UK CAA; and
  • the name of the individual who will act as co-ordinator for the UK operator.

Applications for the Dry Lease-out of a UK registered aircraft should include the following minimum information:

  • aircraft type, model, and serial number;
  • registration of the aircraft;
  • name and address of the registered owner and/or Lessor;
  • name and address of the foreign operator (Lessee);
  • the period of the lease including ferry flights, if these are done by the foreign operator;
  • routes on which it is proposed to use the aircraft;
  • copy of the lease agreement or description of the lease provisions;
  • the arrangements for the maintenance and airworthiness management, during the period of the lease, should be defined by the UK lessor. A guidance document for the content of an interface agreement document, and further advice, is available from the lessor’s supervising Survey Department Regional Office . Any modification required by the foreign operator or regulatory authority will require CAA approval; and
  • the number of foreign pilots or flight engineers who require a Validation for their flight crew licence.

It can also be helpful if the UK lessor nominates a co-ordinator for the lease and a contact in the foreign regulatory authority who will be dealing with the lease arrangements.

How to contact us

CAA Technical Officer (Leasing)
Flight Operations
United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Safety Regulation Group
1W, Aviation House
Gatwick Airport South
West Sussex, RH6 0YR

Tel: +44 (0)1293 57 3422
E-mail: Aircraft.Leasing@caa.co.uk

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