This page provides guidance to organisations currently holding a valid UK CAA issued Part-CAMO approval, that wish to make a change to their existing approval.
If your application relates to a change which affects both an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and the associated Part-CAMO approval, Organisations must apply for the change to the Part-CAMO approval via the AOC. Please apply for a Variation to an Aeroplane or Helicopter AOC application form (SRG1802).
UK Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) concerns the continuing airworthiness management for organisations relating to all types of Part 21 aircraft but is a mandatory requirement for the management of Complex Motor-Powered Aircraft (CMPA), and/or aircraft used by a Licensed Air Carrier.
Organisations approved to Part-CAMO can additionally be approved to make recommendations to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) that an Airworthiness Review Certificate (CAA Form 15a) may be issued or in certain cases issue and extend an Airworthiness Review Certificate (CAA Form 15b or CAA Form 15c, as applicable) under the terms of their approval.
Part-CAMO organisations holding the Airworthiness Review privilege may also be approved to issue Permits to Fly in accordance with (UK) Part 21 Subpart P when the aircraft is in conformity with the approved Flight Conditions. Please note: this privilege does not allow the Part-CAMO organisation to approve the Flight Conditions.
Who can apply?
A Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation with their principal place of business located in the UK, that wishes to carry out the management of continuing airworthiness of UK registered Part 21 aircraft.
Organisations with their principal place of business located outside the UK that wishes to carry out management of continuing airworthiness on UK registered Part 21 aircraft, should apply for a UK Third Country Approval.
The information on this page explains how to change an existing Part-CAMO approval for aircraft that are not involved in commercial air transport (non-CAT).
How do I apply?
For all changes to a Part-CAMO approval, other than those listed in this section, please complete the online application form.
Removing ratings or facilities from an existing approval
You can complete the remove ratings and facilities form provided that these are the only changes you are making to the approval. There is no charge for this service, but you will need to provide a copy of your amended exposition.
How to change the address
In cases where an organisation holds more than one approval and requires making an application for a change of address which will affect all approvals held, you can complete the change of address form.
The form will cater for both non-Part 21 aircraft approvals and Part 21 aircraft approvals within the scope of UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing act. You will need to provide a copy of your amended expositions.
Changing the Nominated Postholder or Accountable Manager
Changes to the key personnel in an organisation must be notified to us.
Please ensure that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) policy on fitness of character is fully understood before submission of an application.
You can add or remove/change the details of one or several people, including identifying their role(s) and the types of approval(s) they have responsibility for, by completing the Change of Accountable Manager or Nominated Postholder form. The form caters for both non-Part 21 aircraft approvals and Part 21 aircraft approvals within the scope of UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing act. There is no charge for changes of personnel.
Changes of Nominated Postholder, a Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition will need to be updated and attached to the application along with the Details of Nominated Staff by an organisation in respect to a Part-CAMO approval (SRG1769).
To help us progress your application please send a copy of your draft exposition to or attach/upload the draft exposition to the online application form (where applicable).
Applying for an Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC)
For applications for an AltMoC please complete an Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC) (SRG1840) form.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for removing a rating or facility or changing a Nominated Postholder or the Accountable Manager.
The cost of applying for an AltMoC is currently £626.
The cost of other changes to a Part-CAMO approval depends on the aircraft weight.
The Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges provides further information.
In the event of a discrepancy between the information here and the Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges (Airworthiness, Noise Certification and Aircraft and Aircraft Engine Emissions), the Scheme of Charges takes precedence.
What do I need to send with my application?
Please submit the following documentation, with the online application, to support the relevant change listed below:
- Change/addition to scope of approval
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents.
- Management of change for the changes to scope of approval.
- Internal audit of the relevant changes.
- Change/removal to scope of approval
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents.
- Management of change for the changes to scope of approval.
- Adding a subcontractor
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Copy of Interface Manual and relevant procedures if additional to CAME.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents.
- Management of change for the addition of subcontractor.
- Internal audit of the subcontractor.
- Signed Appendix II contract.
- Adding subpart-I privilege
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents.
- Copies of relevant process/procedures if additional to CAME.
- Completed and signed Details Of Nominated Staff By An Organisation In Respect Of Part CAMO/CAO Approval (SRG1769).
- Management of change for the changes to scope of approval.
- Adding a managed aircraft
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP).
- Minimum Equipment List (MEL) - if applicable.
- Addition of facilities
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents.
- Management of change for the addition of facilities.
- Internal audit of the relevant changes.
- Change of Principle place of business
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents, incl. Emergency Response Plan.
- Management of change for the move in principal place of business.
- Internal audit of the relevant changes.
- A completed Principal Place of Business Key Facts form (SRG1760).
- Change of a Nominated post holder (including ARC signatory) or accountable manager
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Amended/revised SMM/CMM if changes to approval require amendment to these documents.
- Completed and signed Details Of Nominated Staff By An Organisation In Respect Of Part CAMO/CAO Approval (SRG1769).
- Internal audit/competency assessment against internal and regulatory requirements, in other words, AMC1 CAMO.A.305(c).
- New or revised Safety Management Manual
- A completed Safety Management Manual Compliance Statement form (SRG1770).
- Amended/revised SMM.
- New or revised Compliance Monitoring Manual
- A completed Compliance Monitoring Manual Compliance statement form (SRG1771).
- Amended/revised CMM.
- Applying for an Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC)
- Amended/revised draft CAME, signed, and dated.
- Completed and signed Application for an Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC) (SRG1840).
What else do I need to know?
UK Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).
‘CAA Approvals – Non-Transferability’ – Leaflet C30 (CAP562).
Aircraft ratings should be listed as per UK Part-66 Type Rating List. Currently the Part 66 listing does not include Sailplanes, Powered Sailplanes or Balloons. In this case use the aircraft type designation specified on the UK Type Certificate Data Sheet.
The Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME) must be compliant with CAMO.A.300. Part CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition User Guide (CAP2153) provides further guidance.
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
When the Organisation Approvals team receive the recommendation from Airworthiness confirming the organisation has achieved the required standard, the approval certificates will be raised and sent to your organisation within 20 working days.
What happens next?
The guidance below advises on what to expect once you have applied:
A Technical Support Officer will make an initial assessment of your application and associated documents and will contact you with any queries.
The Resource Scheduling Team will contact you to arrange for an Airworthiness Surveyor to carry out an on-site audit. Any questions regarding the scheduling of your on-site visit can be directed to the Resource Scheduling Team email
An Airworthiness Surveyor will conduct an audit(s) against the requirements and raise an audit report detailing any findings.
The Airworthiness Surveyor will review the nominated personnel. Interviews for key personnel may be carried out.
The Airworthiness Surveyor will assess the supporting documentation; Technical Logs, Maintenance Contracts (as applicable) and Maintenance Programmes. When able to, the Airworthiness Surveyor will approve the supporting documentation.
If findings have been raised the organisation should address the findings and notify the Airworthiness Surveyor of the actions taken.
Once any audit findings relating to the application have been closed the Airworthiness Surveyor will submit a recommendation to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Shared Services Approvals Team for the issue of the approval.
If you have been approved to Issue or Extend Airworthiness Review Certificates (ARC) under your approval, at this stage we will send you an e-mail containing your ARC Online logon information.
On receipt of the certificates, your organisation can begin undertaking and releasing work.
How long is it valid for?
The organisation’s certificate shall remain valid subject to compliance with all of the following conditions:
- The organisation remaining in compliance with UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its delegated and implementing acts, considering the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under point CAMO.B.350.
- The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) being granted access to the organisation as specified in point CAMO.A.140.
- The certificate not being surrendered or revoked.
Once granted, an approval requires a recommendation for continuation every 24 months (unless otherwise agreed) from the date of issue. This is raised by the CAA Surveyor following a satisfactory audit programme.
For air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, termination, suspension or revocation of the air operator certificate automatically invalidates the organisation’s Part-CAMO certificate in relation to the aircraft registrations specified in the air operator certificate, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the CAA.