This page provides information for exiting holders of a UK Part 145 approval to enable them to make changes to their approval, such as the addition or removal of an aircraft type or rating, change in facilities, change in nominated post holder and so on.
Organisations should have their principal place of business in the UK.
Organisations with their principal place of business outside the UK should apply for a UK Third Country Approval.
Organisations needing to change a Registered Company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Number will require a new initial approval as it cannot be classed as a change to an existing approval. Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Information and Procedures (CAAIP) - Leaflet C-30 (CAP 562) provides further information.
If adding an aircraft which falls within a generic aircraft group that you already hold on your approval certificate (for example, Piston engine aeroplanes – metal structure not exceeding 5700 kg), you should then email an exposition amendment to or attach/upload the draft exposition to the online application form (where applicable). Please do not send to your surveyor directly as it will delay your application processing.
How do I apply?
You will need to complete and submit the Part 145 online application form.
How much does it cost?
The Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges provides further details.
In the event of a discrepancy between the information here and the Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges (Airworthiness, Noise Certification and Aircraft and Aircraft Engine Emissions), the Scheme of Charges takes precedence.
What do I need to include with my application?
You will need to include the following information to change an existing Part 145 approval:
- A completed online application form submitted by an Authorised Representative of the Company (the application form offers details on who can apply).
- A completed SRG 1769 form (Details of Nominated Personnel in an Airworthiness Organisation) for any changes to key personnel.
- A signed copy of the Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE) along with the latest supporting procedures manual.
- Part 145 Maintenance Organisation Exposition Guidance.
- A completed UK Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 Compliance Checklist (if requested).
- A completed SRG 1760 form (Principal Place of Business Key Facts form) if your organisation is trading as a registered company and the change affects the location of your principal place of business.
- A copy of the company Certificate of Incorporation if the change affects the registered company name.
- A completed organisation internal Audit Report (including objective evidence) to confirm the organisation is compliant and ready for the CAA audit.
- Payment of the relevant fee.
- If you hold an FAR 145 Repair Station approval, this will also need to reflect any changes that are made to the Part 145 approval.
Please note aircraft ratings should be listed as per UK Part-66 Type Rating List where applicable.
At this time, the UK Part 66 listing does not include Sailplanes, Powered Sailplanes or Balloons. In this case, use the aircraft type designation specified on the UK Type Certificate Data Sheet).
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
When the Organisation Approvals team receive the recommendation from Airworthiness confirming the organisation has achieved the required standard, the approval certificates will be raised and sent to your organisation within 20 working days.
What happens next?
The below information advises on what will happen to your application next:
- An automated email receipt after you submit the online application form.
- The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Resource Scheduling Team will contact you to arrange for a Surveyor to carry out an on-site audit.
- Any questions regarding the scheduling of your on-site visit can be directed to the Resource Scheduling Team at 0330-0221908.
- An Airworthiness Surveyor will conduct an audit against the requirements and any audit findings will be raised in an audit report.
- The Airworthiness Surveyor will review the nominated personnel. Interviews for key personnel may be carried out.
- If findings have been raised, the organisation should address all the findings and notify the Surveyor of the actions taken.
- Once any audit findings relating to the initial application have been closed, the Airworthiness Surveyor will submit a recommendation to the Organisation Approvals Team for the issue of the approval.
- Your organisation can begin to undertake and release maintenance once you receive the certificate.
How long is it valid for?
Once granted a Part 145 approval requires a recommendation for continuation every 24 months from date of initial issue. This is raised by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Surveyor following a satisfactory audit programme.
The additional scope of approval will be incorporated into the continued oversight plan.
Adding ratings or base maintenance facilities to an existing approval
To add new rating or base maintenance facilities, You must ensure that any proposed change complied with essential elements of Part 145 (see further guidance tab at the foot of this page). You must also complete the online application form. There is also a fee to be paid, see the Scheme of Charges for this service, you will need to provide a copy of your amended exposition and supporting documents as listed in the ‘What do I need to include with my application section’ below.
Removing ratings or base maintenance facilities from an existing approval
You can complete the remove ratings and facilities form, provided that these are the only changes you are making to the approval. There is no charge for this service, but you will need to provide a copy of your amended exposition.
Adding or removing, temporary or permanent line stations (line maintenance facilities)
To add or remove temporary or permanent Line Stations (Line Maintenance Facilities) to/from an existing approval, please use Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) SRG 1761 Form.
SRG 1761 is not required for Occasional Line Maintenance (less than ten consecutive days).
The CAA Information Notice IN-2017/011: Part-145 - Occasional and Temporary Line Stations sets out how Part-145 organisations may establish temporary line stations in accordance with approved procedures. This will enable the CAA to plan its oversight accordingly.
The Information Notice also includes information to clarify:
- The difference between occasional line maintenance and a temporary line station.
- How organisations may establish a temporary line station without requiring a CAA Surveyor to audit the location before commencing maintenance.
Change of nominated postholder or accountable manager
Changes to the key personnel in an organisation must be notified to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
Please ensure that the CAA policy on fitness of character is fully understood before submission of an application.
You can add or remove/change the details of one or several people, including identifying their role(s) and the types of approval(s) they have responsibility for, by completing the Change of Accountable Manager or Nominated Postholder form. This form caters for all types of approvals. There is no charge for changes of personnel.
Please note that for changes of Nominated Postholders, a CAA Form SRG1769: UK CAA - Details of Nominated Personnel in an Airworthiness Organisation will need to be completed and attached to the application. We also require a completed organisation internal Audit Report (including objective evidence) to confirm the organisation is compliant and ready for the CAA audit.
To help us progress your application, please send a copy of your draft exposition to or attach/upload the draft exposition to the online application form (where applicable).
Changes of address
In cases where an organisation holds more than one approval and requires to make an application for a change of address which will affect each approval held, you can complete the change of address form which will cater for all approval types. (You will need to provide a copy of your amended expositions).
Essential Elements / Further guidance
Part 145
- Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as retained (and amended in UK domestic law) under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
- 'CAA Approvals - Non-Transferability' - Leaflet C-30 (CAP 562)
- On the job training (OJT) for first type rating recommendation within a Part 145 (CAP 1530)
- UK Regulations
- Part 145 holders guidance
- Part 145 - 6/24-month Recency Guidance