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The organisation must already hold a UK Part 21 Subpart J Approval or Alternative Procedures to DOA (ADOA) issued by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

After the issue of a design organisation approval, each change to the design management system that is significant to the showing of compliance or to the airworthiness, operational suitability and environmental protection of the product, shall be approved by the CAA. An application for approval shall be submitted in writing to the CAA and the design organisation shall demonstrate to the CAA, on the basis of submission of proposed changes to the handbook, and before implementation of the change, that it will continue to comply with this Subpart after implementation.

Significant changes to design management system

Significant changes to the Design Management System includes Organisational changes, that is, Relocation to new premises, Changes in the industrial organisation, Changes in the parts of the organisation that contribute directly to the airworthiness, operational suitability or environmental protection, Change to the independent monitoring principles. Refer to GM1 21.A.247(1) for more detail.

Close Significant changes to design management system

Change of nominated postholders or accountable manager

Changes to the key personnel in an organisation must be notified to CAA. Refer to GM 21.A.247(2) for more details.
Please ensure that the CAA policy on fitness of character is fully understood before submission of an application.

You can add or remove/change the details of one or several people, including identifying their role(s) and the types of approval(s) they have responsibility for, by completing the Change of Accountable Manager or Nominated Postholder form. This form caters for both Part 21 aircraft and non-Part 21 aircraft approvals. There is no charge for changes of personnel.

Please note that for changes of Nominated Postholders, a CAA Form - Details of Nominated Personnel in an Airworthiness Organisation (SRG1769) will need to be completed and attached to the application.

To help us progress your application please send a copy of your updated DOH to apply@caa.co.uk or attach/upload to the online application form (where applicable).

Close Change of nominated postholders or accountable manager

Change of Design Organisation Handbook/ADOA Manual

The design organisation handbook shall be amended as necessary to remain an up-to-date description of the organisation, and copies of amendments shall be supplied to the CAA. This also includes changes to the principles of procedures referred to in GM1 21.A.247(3).

Submit a copy of updated DOH/Manual to apply@caa.co.uk.

Close Change of Design Organisation Handbook/ADOA Manual

How do I apply?

Depending on the change, you can apply to change an existing Part 21 Design Approval following the instructions on this page.

If you unsure on how to apply, please contact your assigned Design Organisation Approval (DOA) Team Leader.

Close How do I apply?

How much does it cost?

You will need to refer to the Official Record Series 5 CAA Scheme of Charges.

If the number of hours taken by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to carry out its investigations in relation to the application exceeds the cost shown in the Scheme or Charges, the applicant must pay an excess hourly charge.

We will determine the excess hourly charge by taking the total number of excess hours taken by the CAA to complete the required investigations in relation to the application and multiplying that number of hours by an hourly charge.

The balance for the excess hourly charge (total hourly charge less initial charge already paid) is payable by the applicant to the CAA and will be invoiced to the applicant.

Payments can be made by credit or debit card or by bank transfer or by a cheque made payable to the Civil Aviation Authority.

When using bank transfer, please identify what the payment is for by including your approval reference and receiving department.

Close How much does it cost?

What do I need to send with my application?

You will need to provide the following relevant information when sending your application:

  • An online application form submitted by an Authorised Representative of the Company CAA Form - Application for the issue of or a change to a UK Design Organisation Approval (SRG1765).
  • Completed CAA Form - Details of Nominated Personnel in an Airworthiness Organisation (SRG1769) for required key personnel, such as, Head of
  • Design Organisation, Head of Airworthiness, Head of Independent Monitoring Function or Safety Manager. (This is Not applicable to ADOA).
  • Please ensure that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) policy on fitness of character is fully understood before submission of an application.
  • A copy of the Design Organisation Handbook (DOH)/Manual.
    Evidence of Internal audit to support the change.
  • A completed Principal Place of Business Key Facts (SRG1760) form if your organisation is trading as a registered company.
  • A copy of the company Certificate of Incorporation if your organisation is trading as a registered company.
  • Payment of the relevant fee (this can be made online).
Close What do I need to send with my application?

How long will it take for my application to be processed?

Correctly completed applications will be processed and acknowledged within 10 working days, then passed to the assigned Design Organisation Approval (DOA) Team Leader for investigation.

The DOA Team Leader will conduct their investigation, the timings will vary, according to complexity.

Approval certificates will be processed and dispatched within 20 working days, following receipt of a recommendation from the assigned DOA Team Leader.

Close How long will it take for my application to be processed?

What happens next?

  • An automated email receipt following submission of the online application form.
  • An email to confirm your provisional Part 21 approval number - normally within 10 working days.
  • A Technical Support Officer will make an initial assessment of your application and DOH and will contact you with any queries.
  • The Resource Management Team will contact you to arrange for a Design Organisation Approval (DOA) Team Leader to carry out the on-site audit.
  • Any questions regarding the scheduling of your on-site visit can be directed to the Resource Management Team at 01293 573600.
  • A DOA Team Leader will conduct an audit against the requirements and raise an audit report detailing any findings.
  • The DOA Team Leader will review the nominated personnel (interviews for key personnel may be carried out).
  • If findings have been raised the organisation should address the findings and notify the DOA Team Leader of the actions taken.
  • Once the audit findings relating to the initial application have been closed and when the DOA Team Leader is able to, a recommendation for the issue of the approval will be forwarded to Applications and Approvals (A&A).
  • When A&A receive the recommendation the approval certificates will be raised and sent to your organisation within 20 working days.
  • On receipt of the certificates, your organisation can begin undertaking and releasing work once you receive the certificates.
Close What happens next?

How long is it valid for?

Approvals remain valid unless cancelled, suspended or revoked.

Once granted, an approval requires a recommendation for continuation every 24-36 months (unless otherwise agreed) from the date of issue. This is raised by the Design Organisation Approval (DOA) Team Leader following a satisfactory audit programme.

Close How long is it valid for?

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis