The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will accept applications for airworthiness approvals from organisations with their principal place of business located outside the UK, (including EU countries, Channel Islands and rest of the world). Such approvals are termed ‘Third Country Approvals’.
These include:
- Part CAO Combined Airworthiness Organisation - CAO.
- Part CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Maintenance Organisation – САМО (non-AOC standalone).
- Part 145 Maintenance Organisation Approvals - MOA.
- Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation Approvals – MTOA.
- Part 21 Subpart G Production Organisation Approval – POA.
Third Country Approvals holders
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) requires all third country approval holders, including organisations with their principal place of business located outside the UK, to supply a UK Exposition (Part 145 or Part 147) when requesting a variation or change to their approval that requires a revised approval certificate.
Please note that the CAA can only accept supplied documents, in other words, Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition (MTOE), Audit reports and so on, in English or in dual language format (with English being the master language).
The dedicated approval webpages for Part 145 and Part 147 provides further information.
International Cooperation
Maintenance organisations with their principal place of business located in a third country, for which the UK or the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has an existing bilateral agreement/working arrangement with, will need to contact your National Aviation Authority for guidance on applying for a UK Part 145 approval or participation in the arrangement.
Who can apply?
Organisations with their principal place of business located in a third country (including the EU Countries, Channel Islands and rest of the world), that wish to carry out production, maintenance, maintenance training or manage continuing airworthiness of aircraft that are registered in the United Kingdom, where there isn’t an existing bilateral agreement or working arrangement in place covering the specific approval type are eligible to apply.
How do I apply?
The following information offers guidance on applying for different approvals:
- Apply for a UK Part CAMO approval or change an existing approval (non-AOC standalone)
- Apply for UK Part CAO approval or change to an existing UK approval
- Apply for UK Part 145 approval or change to an existing UK approval
- Apply for UK Part 147 approval or change to an existing approval
- Apply for UK Part 21G approval or change to an existing UK approval
The online application forms for Third Country Approvals are the same as used for UK organisations. As such you will be asked for the Company Registration Number. If your company has an equivalent ‘local’ number, please enter this in the Company Registration number field. If you do not have an equivalent, please enter 00000000 so that the form will let you progress.