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What is a foreign aircraft exemption/permission?

A foreign aircraft exemption is an exemption/permission for owners and operators of foreign registered aircraft which are not compliant with specific requirements. It permits them to fly in UK airspace.

An exemption/permission only relates to the aircraft operating in UK airspace. These exemptions/permissions do not exempt the pilot flying the aircraft from holding a pilot's licence issued in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex I.

There is further information available on the acceptance of non-UK ICAO compliant pilots' licences.

If the pilot does not hold a licence issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1, at this time, we are unable to authorise them to fly in UK airspace. It is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure they hold the correct licence before applying for an exemption/permission.

Owners of aircraft not registered in the UK, who are planning to fly to the UK or within UK Airspace, need to ensure they comply with Safety Directive SD-2024/001 Version 2: https://www.caa.co.uk/our-work/publications/documents/content/sd-2024-001/

You will need to apply for a foreign aircraft exemption/permission from us if:

  • You are the owner or operator of a foreign registered aircraft with a temporary registration (and/or)
  • You do not have a valid International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) compliant Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A)


  • Your aircraft must hold a registration (may be temporary) and an airworthiness certificate.
  • Your aircraft must be insured.

What do I need to apply for?

Article 24 exemption

The aircraft has a non-ICAO compliant registration only.

Article 33 permission

The aircraft has ICAO compliant registration but not an ICAO compliant airworthiness certificate.

Article 24 & 33 exemption/permission

The aircraft has non-ICAO compliant registration and non-ICAO compliant airworthiness certificate.

The Air Navigation Order provides further information on Articles 24 and 33.

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  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis