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You must have previously held a UK issued Part 66 Licence which was subsequently transferred to an EU member state prior to the UK EU Exit date.

You will be required to hold a current EU issued Part 66 licence which has not been suspended or enforcement action taking place.

The reactivation application process will allow your previously surrendered UK issued Part 66 Licence to be reissued post the UK EU exit date where an individual can now hold a UK and EU issued licence concurrently.

The current CAA Scheme of Charges ORS5 No. 416 para 12.4 requires that the UK licence must have been held within the previous 5 years. This provides a finish date for this policy of up to the 31 of December 2025.

If you require a change to the scope of your previously held UK licence, or it has expired since transfer, in addition to the reactivation application form, please complete the Aircraft Maintenance Licence online application form on the CAA Portal and pay the associated additional fee. For more information and guidance regarding the new process, please refer to AMEL portal form user guide.

Any changes to the scope of your licence during the period for which is was not held in the UK must be applied for at the point of reactivation.

How do I apply?

Once all the requirements have been met that are noted on this page, please apply for Reactivation of UK Issued Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence - (SRG1014RET).

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How much does it cost?

The cost for the reactivation of a UK Part 66 licence is currently £113 (This does not include any additional services for changes and/or renewal).

If you are applying for any other additional services, the appropriate fee will also apply.

An additional fee will be payable if you wish your documents to be returned by secure courier.

Further details on costs are available in the current Scheme of Charges (Personnel licensing).

This application is non-refundable.

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What do I need to send with my application?

You will need to include the following information with your application:

Application for reactivation of UK Issued Part 66 Licence (SRG1014RET).

Certified true copy of your valid passport or UK Driving Licence, certified by an appropriate person.

Certified true copies or originals of the appropriate EU issued Part 66 Licence.

Copy of UK Issued Part 66 Licence (if available).

If changes to or a renewal of your UK Part 66 licence is required, in addition to the reactivation application, an application using Application for Initial/Amendment/Renewal of Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) (SRG1014) will be required to support the reactivation application, along with the associated documentation and applicable fees.

Applications and documents posted from outside the UK

When submitting applications or documentation via post/courier to the UK please ensure that you complete the import declaration on any package in the correct manner.

Please make sure that you enter the value of the package content as zero/nil. Otherwise, this will generate import duties in the UK which will be re-charged to you.

While there is a fee for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) application process, this does not represent an importation value of the package content. Therefore, the application fee should not be stated on the import declaration form that a candidate completes when posting supporting documents to CAA UK.

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What else do I need to know?

To ensure you complete your application correctly, please refer to the following associated rules, regulations and forms, to help you with your application should this be required to add category, rating or renew your UK Part 66 AML when applying for a reactivation:

Certified true copies of documents

Postholders of a Part 145/147/CAMO/CAO Organisation or another Part-66 licence holder can act as certifiers for all documents.

Postholders of a Part 145/147/CAMO/CAO Organisation or another Part-66 licence holder or official bodies such as the post office or solicitors who provide this service can act as certifiers for ID Documents (Passport or full UK driving licence).

The following instructions need to be followed for the certifier of your ID document:

  • Insert on the copy to be enclosed with the application: 'I have seen the original document and I certify that this is a complete and accurate copy of the original'.
  • Insert signature and date.
  • Certifier’s name must be printed in block capitals.
  • Must include position or capacity, for example, Head of a Part 145/147 Organisation.
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What happens next?

The following information advises you on what you will expect once you have submitted your application:

The assessment of your application is completed by a Licensing Officer.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) may contact the EU member state Authority where the EU licence was issued for confirmation it has not been suspended or enforcement action taking place. (This may delay the processing time of your application if the other authority does not respond to the request in a timely manner).

Following an acceptable assessment, the Licence is then processed, signed and dispatched to the individual.

We will contact you if we have any queries regarding your application and may keep your application pending for 30 working days awaiting any additional documentation to be submitted.

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How long is it valid for?

The reactivation of a UK issued Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence will be reactivated with the same expiry date at the point of surrender. If the licence has expired since surrender, a normal renewal application and fee will be required.

The UK Part-66 licence validity can be extended only if licence has expired, or new privileges added to the UK Part-66 licence.

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