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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (Part-CAMO and Part-CAO) and organisations that hold a Part 21 approval, with the appropriate privileges, must notify the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) when a temporary Permit to Fly is issued.


The aircraft must be on the UK register and the organisation that issued the temporary Permit to Fly, must hold the relevant privileges under their approval.

The aircraft must also hold flight conditions that have been approved under UK Part 21.

How do I apply?

Please email apply@caa.co.uk, including the following information:

  • Copy of issued Temporary Permit to Fly.
  • Copy of completed CAA approved Flight Conditions / Copy of Part 21 G or J approved Flight Conditions (CAA Form 18b or 18a).
  • Copy of any documentation referred to in CAA Form 18b or 18a (if applicable).
  • Relevant fee.
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How much does it cost?

Application Type

Where a Part-CAMO, Part-CAO or Part-21 approved organisation, issues the permit to fly under the privileges of their approval and notifies the CAA accordingly. With the fee being £34 for this application type.

The Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges provides further details.

In the event of a discrepancy between the information here and the Scheme of Charges, the Scheme of Charges takes precedence.

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What else do I need to know?

The below information provides further details on anything else you may need to know in regard to a temporary 'Permit to Fly':

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