Ferry flight to or from the UK
A UK registered non-Part 21 aircraft to be exported to another state can use a valid Permit to Fly for flight to the place of delivery provided that:
- The aircraft has appropriate transfer documents. Acceptance must be sought from the importing state before a Permit to Fly is used to ferry the aircraft to the new State of Registry.
- All relevant overflight permissions have been obtained from the concerned National Aviation Authorities.
- Import requirements specified by the importing state must be determined and complied with.
Please note if the aircraft has a UK Mode S address installed on the Transponder system, it will need to be removed and replaced with one issued by the importing state to coincide with the registration in that state when the aircraft is registered there.
To import a non-Part 21 aircraft for the purpose of obtaining a National Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) or Permit to Fly, the simplest method is to do so under the registration mark and valid C of A or Permit to Fly issued by the exporting state. Alternatively, the aircraft could be shipped in a container.
It may be possible for the aircraft to be issued with a UK Permit to Fly while still in the exporting country (provided the aircraft has been entered on the UK register). A Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Surveyor will usually need to travel to the aircraft to perform the necessary survey and assessments. This will incur additional costs above the application fee.
Positioning and test flights
A temporary Permit to Fly may be required to ferry or test a non-Part 21 aircraft without a valid National C of A or Permit to Fly, when the use of 'A or B conditions' is not applicable.
The UK Air Navigation Order Schedule 3, Part 1, Chapters 1 & 2 has further information on ‘A & B Conditions’.
If a temporary Permit to fly is required as part of the application for a National C of A or Permit to Fly issue, no extra charges will be made unless overseas travel or accommodation is required.
If the issue of a temporary Permit to fly is required outside of the initial National C of A or Permit to Fly process additional costs will incur.
Credit/Debit card payments
Please complete Form FCS1500 and follow guidance for payments.