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Noise databases

Databases of CAA approved aircraft noise configurations and their approved noise certification levels can be found here:

For any configuration of aircraft for which a UK Noise Certificate is required which is not in one of the databases of approved noise certification levels please contact CAA on certnoise@caa.co.uk. TC/STC holders wanting CAA noise certification for an aircraft configuration not approved by CAA will need to formally apply to UK CAA for approval by following these links, Guidance on Type Design Approval for the issue of a TC or RTC and Guidance on minor and major changes or repairs.

Aircraft noise certification levels approved by EASA up to and including 31 December 2020 are considered to be also approved by UK CAA. Noise certification levels approved by EASA since then are not automatically approved by UK CAA.

London Heathrow, London Gatwick and London Stansted Airports Noise Restrictions Notice

At the start of each summer and winter season the London Heathrow, London Gatwick and London Stansted Airports Noise Restrictions Notice is published. The restrictions are set by the Department for Transport. They are based on a Quota Count system whereby each aircraft type is classified and awarded a quota count (QC) value depending on its certified noise levels. A link to the current notice can be found on the NATS AIP Supplements webpage.

The QC values have until now been appended to the AIP Supplement. With the publication of the Winter 2024-2025 AIP Supplement the QC values are no longer appended to the AIP. Instead they can be found in the CAA noise databases, in which QC values for departure and arrival are presented for each record.

For any aircraft for which noise classification is required but which is not in one of the databases of approved aircraft noise configurations please contact the Civil Aviation Authority by email at certnoise@caa.co.uk, quoting ‘London Night Noise’ in the title.

Noise Certificates

The Noise Certificate is a document issued by the UK CAA according to the procedures described in Part 21, Sub-part I, to each aircraft registered in the UK to which the noise certification regulations apply. The certificate attests the noise certification status of the aircraft to which it is issued. The certificate’s format and the information it contains is consistent with Option 1 presented in Attachment G of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I.

The requirements for an aircraft to be issued with a Noise Certificate can be found in Part 21 (21.B.425), and for non-Part 21 aircraft in the Air Navigation (Environmental Standards for Non-EASA Aircraft) Order 2008/3133.

Any aircraft issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness and for which the standards of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, apply needs to be issued with a Noise Certificate. These standards are referenced in Part 21 (21.B.85), and for non-Part 21 aircraft in the Air Navigation (Environmental Standards for Non-EASA Aircraft) Order 2008/3133. The applicability of these standards is based on the configuration (aeroplane, helicopter or tilt-rotor), the date of application for the type certificate or approval of a change in type design, and maximum take-off mass.

Note that not every aircraft on the UK Register is obliged to have a Noise Certificate. For example there is no legislation requiring Noise Certificates for Permit to Fly aircraft and some older aircraft. Note also that microlight aeroplanes are now exempt from the need to be issued with a Noise Certificate (Official Record Series 4, No. 1502).

For any questions about Noise Certificate requirements, contact the UK CAA noise certification team via certnoise@caa.co.uk

Noise Certificate Validity

A Noise Certificate is issued for an unlimited duration subject to the limitations described in Part 21 21.A.211 of Regulation No 748/2012.

You will need to apply for a new Noise Certificate in the following cases:

  • If the aircraft’s registration mark changes.
  • If there is any change to the aircraft’s configuration that affects the aircraft’s noise characteristics (e.g. MTOW/MLW or a change to the aircraft’s engines and/or propellers).
  • If it is discovered that any of the details entered on the Noise Certificate are not correct for the aircraft to which it was issued.

You will not need to apply for a new Noise Certificate in the following cases:

  • When the aircraft is transferred from one UK operator/owner to another UK operator/owner and retains the same registration mark.
  • If the noise record in the databases against which the certificate was issued is revised. Although not required, you may request that a new Noise Certificate be issued against the revised record.

If you are unsure as to the validity of your certificate, contact the UK CAA noise certification team via certnoise@caa.co.uk.

How do I apply?

New Noise Certificates

Use the Noise Certificates online form to submit your application (and payment if applicable).

Note that the aircraft must be fully registered in the UK prior to the issue of any Noise Certificate.

Note also that if you are applying for a Certificate of Airworthiness a separate application for a Noise Certificate is not required.

Details of prices can be found in the Scheme of Charges.

Copies and replacements

For a copy or replacement Noise Certificate please contact apply@caa.co.uk, quoting the Aircraft Registration and the existing Noise Certificate number.

Details of prices can be found in the Scheme of Charges

Close How do I apply?

What do I need to send with my application?

  • Details of the Aircraft
  • Details of the Engine
  • Details of the Propeller (if fitted)
  • Details of any modifications that may affect noise level(s)
  • Certification Basis documentation (e.g. copy of the AAN, STC and other documentation that support any modifications that may affect noise level)
  • Noise record number for the record in one of the CAA noise databases that matches your aircraft’s configuration

A Noise Certificate will only be issued if a record matching the aircraft’s type designation and configuration can be found in one of the UK CAA noise databases. The information entered on the Noise Certificate is pulled directly from the database. The applicable database record number is entered on the certificate.

If you cannot find an appropriate record, contact the UK CAA noise certification team via certnoise@caa.co.uk.

Close What do I need to send with my application?

What happens next?

  • You will receive an automated email receipt following submission of the online application form
  • The application will be passed to a Surveyor for review
  • Further information to substantiate the application may be required
    (this may include a request for further documentation or to arrange a Noise Test -the Surveyor will usually be the contact for this)
  • A Noise Certificate will be issued (normally within 20 working days) once the Surveyor is satisfied that all necessary paperwork is in order and that noise levels are acceptable.
  • It may take longer if an investigation is needed to establish the aircraft’s compliance with the noise certification requirements.
Close What happens next?

CAA’s other functions relating to aviation noise

Other parts of the CAA also engage in functions relating to aviation noise. Please see our environmental noise page for further information.

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis