There are four focus groups of which details are given below. If you wish to join any one of these groups or to find out more, please contact
Regulations & Legislation
Chair - Ross Nimmo, Head of Planning & Development, Glasgow Airport
The CAST Regulation and Legislation Group has members from airports, the CAA, UK/Devolved Governments and other industry representatives. It provides a forum for enhanced communication across policy themes that interact with aerodrome safeguarding including town and country planning and the environment. The Group promotes awareness of relevant emerging policy/legislation/regulation and facilitates discussion between members to support informed engagement.
Chair - Matt Roberts, Development & Safeguarding Projects Manager, East Midlands Airport
The CAST Technical group is to provide a forum for the successful collaboration of all entities involved in the technical aspects of aerodrome safeguarding. This includes Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP) design & maintenance, crane application process, aerodrome survey requirements, aeronautical data quality, communications navigation & surveillance (CNS) and air navigation management. The group has members from CAA, aerodrome operators, survey companies, airspace procedure design organisations, CNS providers and others.
This focus group currently has four working groups being cranes, CAP785 relating to approval requirements for Instrument Flight Procedures, renewables & CNS.
Chair - Diane Jackson, Group Aerodrome Safeguarding Officer, MAG
The CAST Training group is currently developing tiered training modules, from fundamental awareness for people new to aerodrome safeguarding, to advanced technical and policy exercises with assessments for practitioners. We are incorporating material from existing training courses and bringing it up to date to reflect legislative and procedural changes.
In time, we will also deliver subject specific sessions as dictated by change or need, e.g., ICAO’s upcoming introduction of the new obstacle limitation surfaces, the Obstacle Free Zone and Obstacle Evaluation Surfaces.
We are also considering the ways to deliver training; it is likely there will be a mix of online content and in-person sessions, because we know that there is considerable value in meeting industry peers and developing relationships, this is how CAST was born and continues to be a vibrant association of professionals. Our sum is very much greater than our individual parts.
General Aviation
Chair - Matt Wilkins, Airfield Manager, Old Buckenham Airfield
The GA group provides a forum for the successful collaboration of all entities involved in GA aspects or aerodrome safeguarding. The group has been developing working practices and guidance that will ensure effective co-operation between stakeholders that will enhance the effective sharing of information related to aerodrome safeguarding.