Aerodrome safeguarding is a legal requirement under ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and the UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority). The safeguarding of aerodromes is the process used to ensure the safety of aircraft manoeuvring on the ground, taking off, landing or flying in the vicinity of the airport.
The Combined Aerodrome Safeguarding Team (CAST) will provide information, guidance and input to new policy and legislative updates through four CAST focus groups that will concentrate on technical matters, regulation and legislation, general aviation and training. CAST will act as a main point of contact and facilitate dialogue between stakeholders.
The CAST will aspire to make best use of its largest asset, our collective expertise. The CAST has a pool of wisdom based on experience that allows us to give sensible guidance and advice. We wish to develop a strong culture of sharing that knowledge and good practice, both informally and formally in the shape of training and certification for the aerodrome safeguarding discipline.
The CAST will facilitate multi-stakeholder cooperation in a way that has not been done before. Previously, the links between different stakeholders - such as airports, local planning authorities, CAA, government departments, industry consultants, etc - has been on a case-by-case basis. CAST will bring everyone together to connect the constituent parts for the benefit of maintaining flight safety.
CAST came into being in the Autumn of 2020 with the inaugural meeting held on 13 November 2020, with meetings held every quarter. It was the brain child of Diane Jackson (MAG), Matt Roberts (East Midlands), Simon Vince (Heathrow) & Amanda Purdye (Gatwick) and fulfilled a need for an all inclusive group of people from all areas of industry that had an aerodrome safeguarding involvement. Tony Heap (CAA) very kindly agreed to take the group under the CAA banner and has worked with us to develop the group. Since Tony’s retirement Andrew Badham (CAA) & Matt Roberts (East Midlands) have very kindly agreed to chair the group and whose support has been invaluable.
To take the group forward with Andrew and Matt there is also a steering committee consisting of Mike Sparrow (CAA), Caroline Moore (CAA), Diane Jackson (MAG), Simon Vince (Airport Safeguarding Ltd), Ross Nimmo (Glasgow), Matt Wilkins (Old Buckenham) and Amanda Purdye (Gatwick) whose hard work and enthusiasm has been key.