Submit your passenger numbers
Licence holders report their monthly or quarterly passenger numbers online via the ATOL Portal.
Please log in to the ATOL Portal, select ‘Manage existing ATOL’ and navigate to the relevant administration page of the required ATOL and select APC Return. A quick reference guide on how to submit your APC return can be found below.
How to submit your APC return via the ATOL Portal
APC Payment
Licence holders have a statutory duty to pay the APC within six weeks of the end of each reporting period. The exception to this is for Small Business ATOL holders where APC Payments are dues annually, within six weeks of the date the licence expires
Direct debit payment
The CAA’s preferred method for collection of your APC will be by Direct Debit, where your payments will be collected automatically upon submission of your returns.
Please complete the Direct Debit mandate and send it to the address provided.
Download the Direct Debit mandate form
Licence Holders with £5 million or more licensable turnover
Monthly reporting
Licence holders and licence holder groups with an authorised licensable turnover of £5 million or more are required to provide monthly reports to the CAA.
Licence holders and licence holder groups who sell ATOL to ATOL seats, will still need to submit quarterly paper reports for their ATOL to ATOL passenger numbers, in addition to the monthly reports.
Licence Holders up to £5 million licensable turnover
Quarterly reporting
Licence holders and licence holder groups within an authorised licensable turnover of less than £5 million are required to submit quarterly reports detailing the passenger numbers and revenue based on departure date.
Small Business Licence Holders (SBA)
Quarterly reporting/Annual payment
SBA’s are firms authorised to carry no more than 500 licensable passengers per year and are required to submit quarterly reports detailing the licensable passenger numbers and revenue on a booking and departure date basis. APC Payments are dues annually, within six weeks of the date the licence expires.