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A brief guide on the information and requirements required for completing an application for a new ATOL

Saving and accessing the application form

Once you have completed the first page of the form and pressed Continue, an email will be sent to your portal email address containing a link that enables you to re-open a partially completed form (if you have not fully completed/submitted it in one sitting). When you receive the email with the link, (check your junk/spam folder if it is not in your main inbox) keep this email safe, as it is the only way you are able to re-access a saved application form.

Whilst completing the form you should save it regularly and Save and Close your browsing window if you expect to leave the form inactive for more than ten minutes. A saved form can be re-accessed using the link in the email referred to above.

If you leave a form open and inactive for more than ten minutes do not continue completing it. Save the form, close your browsing window and re-access using the link in the email referred to above.

Close Saving and accessing the application form

Supporting documents required

In support of your application you will be required to provide various documents as mandatory uploads in the application form and these are summarised below. You will not be able to move through the form and make the final submission without them.

All applicants

A detailed CV, a copy of a recent utility bill/bank statement and a certified copy of the photograph page of the passport for all individuals named in the form.

Incorporated businesses

Copy of certificate of incorporation
Copy of Memorandum of Articles and Association

Incorporated businesses that have not yet filed year end accounts (except those applying for Franchise ATOL up to 1,000 passengers)

Certified opening balance sheet

Incorporated businesses that have previously filed year end accounts (except those applying for Franchise ATOL up to 1,000 passengers)

A copy of the most recent year end accounts that include signed and dated directors and accountants/auditors reports

Unincorporated sole trader/partnership businesses that have not yet filed year end accounts (except those applying for Franchise ATOL up to 1,000 passengers)

Certified opening balance sheet
Certified statement(s) detailing the personal assets and liabilities for each owner of the business as at the same date as the opening balance sheet.

Unincorporated sole trader/partnership businesses that have previously filed year end accounts (except those applying for Franchise ATOL up to 1,000 passengers)

A copy of the most recent year end accounts that include signed and dated business and accountants/auditors reports
Certified statement(s) detailing the personal assets and liabilities for each owner of the business as at the same date as the latest accounts

All applicants (except those applying for Franchise ATOL up to 1,000 passengers)

Cashflow, profit and loss and balance sheet projections to the next/first financial year end. If part way through these should include actuals to date and you should note that if the next/first financial end is within the next six-months we may require additional projections covering the following financial reporting period.

Close Supporting documents required

Licensing Requirements

Further information on the different types of ATOL and licensing criteria can be found on Overview of ATOL licences

Close Licensing Requirements

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