Registered owners of aircraft must tell the CAA immediately about any changes to their details, these are:
- Any change in the information supplied to the CAA when applying for the registration of the aircraft.
- The destruction of the aircraft, or its permanent withdrawal from use; or
- In the case of an aircraft registered under article 26(4), the termination of the charter by demise.
We do not insist that you use your private residential address but do recommend that you use the most appropriate address for the distribution of safety related material which could be a PO Box, business or club address.
How do I apply?
If you have changed address, please let us know immediately by completing the Address Change Form so that the Register can be updated. Please also tell us about any changes to other contact details such as email or telephone numbers.
How much does it cost?
There is no fee for an address or change of name (for example, surname upon marriage or company name)
If no details have changed and the original Certificate of Registration has been lost or destroyed then a fee is payable for replacement Certificates. Our forms and fees page advises on the current fee.
What do I need to send with my application?
No other documents are normally required.
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
Change of Registered Ownership and Other Register Amendments will take up to 7 working days.
What happens next?
An amended Certificate of Registration will be sent to the registered owner if a change of name or address has occurred.