In the event of default the Authorised Party or Certified Designee of an IDERA can request the de-registration of an aircraft by submitting the CA54 IDERA de-registration request form. Once completed, the form should be scanned and emailed to
- Although de-registration will normally be actioned within 3 working days, this may be delayed if an Export C of A is required, as the aircraft must remain registered for the Export C of A to be issued. It is therefore essential that the de-registration request is only made once the aircraft is ready to be de-registered.
- If, at the time of the IDERA de-registration request, a registered mortgage is currently entered on the UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages that was created prior to 1st November 2015 the mortgage must be discharged or the mortgagee must consent in writing to the de-registration of the aircraft.
- If a registered mortgage is currently entered on the UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages that was created after 1st November 2015 consent of the mortgagee (in terms of the UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages) is NOT required prior to de-registration. This is predicated on the earlier declaration on registered interests having been made.
- Consent of the registered owner or other party on the CAA’s registration records is NOT required.
- If other parties are disputing whether the IDERA can be exercised they must obtain a court order to prevent the CAA from de-registering the aircraft.
Filling out CA54
- The form must be signed by an authorised signatory of the Authorised Party or an authorised signatory of the Certified Designee, usually at director or company secretary level. If the form is signed by another party then power of attorney must explicitly empower the signatory to execute the de-registration of the aircraft on behalf of the Authorised Party or Certified Designee (as appropriate).
- The Authorised Party or Certified Designee must make a declaration concerning other interests: "I hereby certify that all registered interests ranking in priority to that of the Authorised Party have been discharged, or that the holders of such interests have consented to the de-registration and export of the Aircraft."
- The same day/fast track service process can be used for requesting Export CofA and exercising an IDERA in order to expedite the process. See SRG1750: Application for Same Day Service - Aircraft Registration form and our service standards for further details.
After your form is submitted
- Once the aircraft is de-registered confirmation will be sent to the Authorised Party (and Certified Designee if a designation is in place), the Registered Owner and the National Aviation Authority of the country that the aircraft has been de-registered to.
- If the de-registration cannot be carried out for any reason an acknowledgment of receipt and advice on why the request has not been accepted will be sent to the Authorised Party or Certified Designee, whichever is appropriate (usually by email).
- As a consequence of de-registration any Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly in force over the aircraft will be suspended and then revoked.
All communications aim to be carried out in 3 working days, in accordance with our service standards.