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The main G-INFO results screen shows quite a number of data fields. This section describes each of them in detail.

Registration details


This is the most recent nationality and registration mark for the aircraft. Only registration marks which have a Status of Registered are currently entered on the UK Register at the time the data is extracted.

Previous ID

This is the most recent, non UK registered, identity of the aircraft prior to taking its current mark. This may be either a civil or military mark or where the aircraft was manufactured. Previous UK identities can be found in the Full Registration History.


The registration status can either be Registered or De-Registered. If the status is de-registered please note that any details relating to ownership will be as they were at the date of de-registration and no updating will occur beyond that date.


If the aircraft is de-registered the de-registration reason is given, if the record is blank it means that the historical record concerned is not yet computerised. The reason for de-registration, along with other information can be found on a copy of the historical register entry for the aircraft, please see View Registration History.

Current reg date

This is the date the aircraft was registered to the registered owner displayed on the particular record. This is not necessarily the date of first entry on the Register, please see View Registration History for earlier entries.

De-reg date

This is the date the registration under this mark was cancelled.


If the mark is de-registered comments about the subsequent fate of the aircraft are entered here.

Close Registration details

Registration history


This the nationality and registration mark that was valid during the date ranges specified.


This is the reference number for the Registration entry that was valid between the dates specified.

Issue date

This the date the particular registration entry was valid from.

End date

This is either the change of registered ownership date or the de-registration date for the particular registration entry.

Ownership status

This indicates whether the individual aircraft was registered to the current registered owner as owned or as chartered by demise. The information is applicable to this entry as at the End Date for the particular entry.

Registered owners

This is the registered owner(s) for the individual aircraft as at the End Date for the particular entry according to the information supplied to, and maintained by, the CAA. Please note that the UK Register of Civil Aircraft is not a register of legal ownership, and registration does not confirm legal title.


This indicates the reason for the change to this particular register entry as at the End Date.

Pre 1986

If historical Register entries are available they will be displayed here as a link to a separate PDF document.

Close Registration history

Aircraft details


This is the full title of the manufacturer of the individual aircraft.


This is the full manufacturers description of the individual aircraft type.

Serial No

This is the unique identification number of the aircraft. This may be the aircraft constructors serial number, a military serial number or a PFA project number.

ICAO 24 bit aircraft address

The ICAO 24 bit address allocated to the aircraft. Binary, hexadecimal and octal versions are shown.

This address is used for various purposes such as Mode S transponders and emergency locator transmitter equipment. The existence of an address for a specific aircraft does not mean that the aircraft is actually fitted with any equipment that uses the address.

If an aircraft owner or operator intends to use this address on a transponder or ELT please refer to ICAO 24-bit aircraft addresses.

ICAO aircraft type designator

This is a two, three or four-character alphanumeric code for those aircraft types which are most commonly provided with air traffic service (ATS) as issued by ICAO, see ICAO document 8643 for details.

Popular name

This is the name the aircraft is commonly known by. This may or may not appear in the full aircraft type name.

Aircraft class

This is the broad category of aircraft that the individual aircraft fits in to, such as microlight or fixed-wing landplane.

Airworthiness category

This is the airworthiness certification category for this individual aircraft. If the particular aircraft type is not covered by the regulations it will display as Non Part 21.

Engines (propellers)

This gives details on the number of engines, engine manufacturer, engine type, propeller manufacturer and propeller type for this particular aircraft.


This is the maximum take off weight authorised (in kilograms) for the individual aircraft. Some data may not have been verified by the CAA. In certain cases the weight displayed on G-INFO may be higher than the maximum declared take-off weight that the operator has declared to the CAA.

Total hours

This is the total hours flown by the individual aircraft as at the stated date. This figure includes all known flight hours whether or not the aircraft was UK Registered.

Year built

This is the year the aircraft was built. Some data may not have been verified by the CAA.

C of A / Permit

This is the particular category of Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly that is currently, or was last, issued against the individual aircraft under the displayed registration marks.

Validity expiry

This is the date the current certificate of Airworthiness expires, or expired against individual aircraft under the displayed registration marks. This field also shows the expiry of the validity period for Airworthiness Review Certificates (ARCs), Permits to Fly and non-expiring Certificates of airworthiness.

Validity expiry dates are updated following receipt of data from CAA Regional Offices and/or approved organisations, normally within fifteen working days.

Validity reference

The reference number for the current certificate.

Close Aircraft details

Registered owner details

Ownership status

This indicates whether the individual aircraft is registered to the current registered owner as owned or as chartered by demise.

Registered owners

This is the registered owner(s) for the individual aircraft at the time data is extracted according to the information supplied to, and maintained by, the CAA. Please note that the UK Register of Civil Aircraft is not a register of legal ownership, and registration does not confirm legal title. Only the most recent registered owner for each registration mark is shown on this page. For details of previous registered owners see the View Registration History section.

If this field is blank the historical record has not yet been computerised. If there are manual records prior to 1986 a link to the PDF scan of the original Register is displayed in the View Registration History section.

If a change to the registered ownership details transaction is currently in progress with the CAA Aircraft Registration Section a note advising "Potential change of Registered Ownership in progress" appears above the Ownership Status box.

If, at the time the registration is or was last current, the addressee is known to be deceased or no longer at the specified address then a note to this effect is displayed.

For de-registered aircraft the name and address of the registered owner will be “frozen” as it was at the time of de-registration and is therefore not necessarily current as the record is no longer being updated.

Close Registered owner details

Display of registration mark exemption details

Issue date

The date an exemption from Article 5 of the Air Navigation Order 2000 was issued in respect of the display of UK nationality and registration marks. This issue date is not necessarily when the current exemption was issued.


The military air arm that the aircraft is displaying the markings of.


External markings such as squadron codes that are displayed by the aircraft.


The serial number (usually military) carried by the aircraft.

Close Display of registration mark exemption details

Open aircraft registration cases

Details of any open cases that are currently with the Aircraft Registration Section.

Case name

The type of open case against this individual aircraft, such as Change of Registered Ownership.

Open date

The date the particular case was opened.

Review date

This is the earliest date that the case is next scheduled to be reviewed by the Aircraft Registration Section. The actual review date may be later, in accordance with our service standards.

Close Open aircraft registration cases

Open applications and approvals cases

Details of any open cases that are currently with Aircraft Certification.

Application type

The type of open application that are currently with Aircraft Certification, such as a Certificate of Airworthiness  renewal.

Expected date of processing

The date relevant documents are expected to be forwarded to maintenance organisations, regional offices and/or applicants following receipt of an application to Aircraft Certification.

Close Open applications and approvals cases

Mortgage information

Entry date and time

The date the Mortgage Entry or Priority Notice is valid from.

Entry type

This is either a Mortgage Entry or a Priority Notice.

Reference number

This is the Entry reference number for the particular record. This information is not the UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages.

  1. The information supplied on this page shows the position at the time of the last data extract; it is not real-time information.
  2. Any subsequent changes are not shown.
  3. Real time searches of the UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages in accordance with Article 11 of the Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972 can be found at our Mortgage Search page. The UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages is open between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00 on working days as defined in the CAA Official Record.
  4. The indemnity provision at Article 18 of the Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972, found at www.legislation.gov.uk applies to searches of the UK Register of Aircraft Mortgages in accordance with paragraph 4 above. It does not apply where the information on this page is relied upon.
  5. Further information in connection with the registration of aircraft mortgages can be found at our Mortgage Information page.
  6. Information displayed on this page only relates to mortgages that have been filed with the Civil Aviation Authority. Information is not displayed in connection with liens or other interests as this information is not held by the Civil Aviation Authority.
  7. Interests in eligible aircraft may also be recorded on the International Registry of Mobile Assets.
Close Mortgage information

Third party insurance information

Insurance evidence verified date

If the CAA has requested details of the insurance on a particular aircraft, this date confirms when the details were verified as being in accordance with Article 6 of the Civil Aviation (Insurance) Regulations 2005 and Assimilated Regulation (EU) 785/2004, or no information is available this will display "No Details". If the field is blank, this is because the "No flight" declaration has been made. See below.

Date of "no flight" declaration

If an aircraft is not currently insured and the registered owner has made a declaration to the CAA that the aircraft will not be flown until evidence of insurance has been supplied to the CAA, the date of the declaration is displayed here. If no declaration has been received then "No Details" will be displayed.

If the field is blank this is because the insurance details have been verified, see above.

Close Third party insurance information

Minimum insurance details

Maximum (declared or maximum passengers carried)

Either the design maximum number of passengers for the aircraft type or the maximum number of passengers carried as declared by the operator or air carrier.

Additionally, the design maximum number of passengers for hot air balloons is based on a calculation using the notional per person weight of 96kg as the type certificates for hot air balloons do not specify an exact maximum number of passengers. As such, the calculation may over or underestimate the actual maximum number of passengers carried in some circumstances.

Maximum (take-off mass)

This is synonymous with the maximum take off weight authorised (in kilograms) for the individual aircraft. Some data may not have been verified by the CAA.

Exchange rate

The exchange rate from Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to Pounds Sterling (GBP) as taken from the International Monetary Fund website. In cases where insurance details have been provided to the CAA in currencies other than Pounds Sterling the estimate is given in the relevant currency.

Exchange rate (effective date)

The date the exchange date referred to above was last updated, the details are taken from the IMF website.

Minimum cover (combined single limit) for non-commercial operations

As there are different levels of cover required depending on whether the aircraft is used for commercial or non-commercial operations two separate estimates are included.

It should be noted that the estimate is based on a calculation which takes into account the following variable items:

  • The maximum take-off mass of the aircraft - taken from the details held by the CAA from the aircraft's flight manual or from another CAA derived source.
  • The number of passengers carried - either the number declared by the operator or air carrier (if supplied), or the design maximum number of passengers for the aircraft.
  • The exchange rate from SDR's (Special Drawing Rights) to Pounds Sterling taken from the IMF website on the date given.

It should be noted that no estimate of the minimum requirements in respect of cargo is given as no centrally held data concerning cargo capacity is held. For aircraft in commercial operations the minimum requirement is 17 SDR's per kilogram.

It should also be noted that as the estimates given are based on a number of variable items, if any of the items used in the calculation are incorrect then this will affect the amounts quoted.

In particular, as the estimate is based on a fluctuating exchange rate between SDR's and Pounds Sterling the operator or air carrier must ensure that they have adequate cover at all times.

For the purposes of this calculation if the Maximum take-off mass of the aircraft is less than 500kg it is assumed that the aircraft is used for non-commercial purposes or local flight instruction which does not entail crossing international borders. As such no estimate for the minimum required cover for risks of war or terrorism is given. If the aircraft has been declared as being used for commercial operations then an estimate of the minimum required cover risks of war or terrorism is displayed.

Minimum cover (combined single limit) for commercial operations

As there are different levels of cover required depending on whether the aircraft is used for commercial or non-commercial operations two separate estimates are included.

For details of how the calculation is made, please see the entry above.

Minimum cover (risks or war or terrorism)

For details of how the calculation is made please see the entry for Minimum Cover (Combined Single Limit) for Non-Commercial Operations.

Non-commercial operations

As different levels of cover are required for commercial on non-commercial operations this field identifies whether the registered owner has declared that the aircraft is used exclusively for non-commercial operations. If no such declaration is made the field will show "Not Declared".

State aircraft

State aircraft are exempt from the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 785/2004 as retained (and amended in UK domestic law) under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, if the registered owner has declared that the aircraft is used exclusively as a state aircraft the details will be shown here.

A state aircraft is one that is used exclusively in military, customs and police services.

Close Minimum insurance details

Noise details

Noise certificate issue date

The issue date of the most recent noise certificate for this aircraft.

Noise certificate number

The Certificate number of the most recent noise certificate for this aircraft.

Certified to ICAO Annex 16

The ICAO "Chapter" that the aircraft is certificated to. See ICAO Aircraft Noise for further details.

Noise level, limit and margin

Noise levels are measured differently for different classes of aircraft and the results are displayed here. For aircraft certificated to Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 additional information on the noise limit for the particular aircraft is also given as is the difference between the actual noise level and the noise limit. The difference is displayed in the Margin field.

Cumulative margin

For Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 aircraft this figure is the sum of the three noise level measurements and the amount they are below the maximum permitted for the aircraft in question. For further information see the ICAO noise database.


A description of the modifications required to meet this particular noise configuration.

Maximum take-off weight (design)

This is the certificated design maximum take-off weight for this aircraft in this noise configuration.

Maximum landing weight

This is the certificated design maximum landing weight for this aircraft in this noise configuration.

Close Noise details

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis