The Aircraft Registration Section is staffed weekdays and can be contacted by telephone between 09:00 and 16:30, outside of these hours a message service is available. By prior arrangement, the section is available to carry out certain transactions, such as de-registrations or new registrations, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, please see the "same day service" information further down.
Aircraft Registration Section
Aviation House
Beehive Ring Road
Crawley RH6 OYR
Telephone: 0330 022 1917
Applications submitted in person can be processed on the same day in accordance with the "same day service" process, detailed below, if all the relevant documentation is available.
Please note that we process all written communications, whether received by fax, post or email, with equal priority. If your request is urgent please state this clearly and we will endeavour to respond to your request as quickly as possible in accordance with the "same day service" process detailed below.
The following standards are based on the time taken from the receipt of all relevant documentation, to the despatch of the appropriate Certificate, or other item, by second class post.
Issue of certificate of registration or cancellation
New Aircraft, Restorations and Changes of Marks | up to 3 working days |
Change of Registered Ownership and Other Register Amendments | up to 7 working days |
Aircraft de-registered to other countries | up to 3 working days |
Exemptions from Article 5 of the Air Navigation Order | up to 3 working days |
If an application cannot be processed for any reason then contact will be made either with the applicant, or with the appropriate body, within the same timescales as above. Delays to applications for new aircraft can occur if confirmation of de-registration from the exporting country is not received or there are insufficient details on the application form. Delays commonly occur on changes of registered ownership and de-registrations when confirmation of sale has not been received from the previous registered owners or where the aircraft is the subject of a current registered mortgage.
Issue of certificate of registration or cancellation - same day service
Transactions related to the registration or de-registration of an aircraft (above) can be completed on the same day as the receipt of all the required information provided the SRG1750: Application for Same Day Service - Aircraft Registration form has been submitted and the relevant fee paid. In order to guarantee this service the form, fee and all accompanying documentation must be received by 1100 of the day in question. For further details on the same day service across the CAA please see Same Day Services.
Aircraft changing UK registration marks can also be processed in the same way, however in these instances Airworthiness documentation is also required to be re-issued by the CAA Aircraft Certification section (A&C). Please note it may not always be possible for A&C to re-issue relevant documentation on the same day as this is a two stage process. Firstly involving the Aircraft Registration section then secondly A&C who re-issue Airworthiness documentation after information is passed to them from Aircraft Registration.
Confirmation of entry in the mortgage register
Entry of Registered Mortgage | up to 3 working days |
Entry of Priority Notice | up to 3 working days |
Change in Particulars | up to 3 working days |
Discharge of Registered Mortgage | up to 3 working days |
Searches of the Mortgage Register, by post or fax | up to 3 working days |
Entry to the Register is made at the date and time of receipt during the published opening hours. If an entry in the register cannot be made for any reason the applicant will normally be advised within the time scales specified above.
Other services
Registration of births, deaths, and missing persons in aircraft | up to 3 working days |
UK register information service supply of print-out's or computer disks | up to 3 working days |
Enquiries and complaints
Enquiries about the progress of individual applications, or of a general nature, should be directed to the Aircraft Registration Section Telephone enquiries to 0330 022 1917 and will normally be acknowledged within one minute.
Suggestions, or complaints about services should be directed to the Technical Lead, using the same contact details as above.