The CAA operates a learning and management system to ensure staff remain competent to perform their duties. This includes initial induction training, continuation training and staff briefings. Safety Management System (SMS) training includes basic SMS training, advanced SMS training that focuses on the assessment of an SMS. This is supplemented with on the job training and a competency sign-off.
The CAA also produces a wide range of safety information guidance material on aviation safety and is involved in various partnerships with other organisations to promote aviation safety both nationally and internationally. Examples include:
- Civil Aviation Publications
- Safety Sense Leaflets
- The Skyway Code
- Airspace & safety initiative
- SkyWise
- UK Aviation safety review 2020
Safety training and promotion within the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories is covered in their respective state safety programmes, links to these can be found in the SSP stakeholders section.
Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) staff are selected from various aviation professions. Each Inspector of air accidents is required to conduct mandatory training and maintain their professional competence. Part of the training involves working with stakeholders and obtaining a wider appreciation of not only the UK’s State Safety Programme but also others worldwide.
The AAIB publishes all its investigation reports either in a monthly bulletin or as a standalone air accident report. In addition, an annual safety report is published with a statistical analysis of the previous year’s accidents, together with details of safety actions taken and safety recommendations made. These reports are available on the AAIB website. In addition, all safety recommendations are input to the European Central Repository for Safety Recommendations, and are accessible to the public.
The AAIB engages with many stakeholders and guidance material on its work is provided here
The MAA has a comprehensive induction and continuing training programme, to ensure staff are competent to fulfil individual responsibilities. Emerging issues and policies are regularly briefed as part of the programme.
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