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Suspension of operations by Pakistan International Airlines (June 2020)

On 30 June 2020, the UK Civil Aviation Authority suspended permission for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) to operate services to the United Kingdom. This suspension was legally required following the decision of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to withdraw the airline's Third Country Operator safety certificate.

However, the Civil Aviation Authority has now approved a request from the company to be allowed to recommence services between Islamabad to Birmingham and Manchester using aircraft chartered from the EU carrier Hi Fly Limited. PIA's Foreign Carrier Permit has been amended accordingly. This approval comes came into effect from 14 August 2020.

EASA's prohibition on PIA operating flights into the European Common Aviation Area with its own aircraft is unaffected by this amendment.

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Suspension of operations by Jet Airways (April 2019)

Advice to Consumers

Booked through a Travel Agent

If you booked your ticket through a Travel Agent, you should speak to your agent in the first instance.

Booked thorough another airline or code share partner

A number of airlines offer flights with Jet Airways as a code chare partner. If you hold a ticket for travel with Jet Airways, but purchased that ticket through another airline you should contact them to see what alternative arrangements they have made.

Booked with an ATOL holder (Package Trip)

If you have booked flights or a holiday that includes flights with a travel firm that holds an ATOL (Air Travel Organiser's Licence) and received confirmation that you are ATOL protected, the travel firm is responsible for your flight arrangements and must either make alternative flights available for you so that your trip can continue or provide a full refund. If you are abroad, the ATOL holder should make alternative arrangements to bring you home at the end of your trip. Contact the ATOL travel firm for more information.

Booked Direct?

If you booked directly with Jet Airways and paid by credit card you may be protected under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and should contact your card issuer for further information. Similarly, if you paid by debit or charge card you should contact your card issuer for advice as you may be able to make a claim under their charge back rules.

Negative response letter

Passengers who booked directly with the company via either a credit, charge or debit card may alternatively be able to make a claim against their card provider. Some card providers will ask for a negative response letter confirming the position. Passengers may also be able to make a claim against their travel insurer.

Close Suspension of operations by Jet Airways (April 2019)

Suspension of operations by Turkmenistan Airlines (February 2019)

On 4 February 2019 Turkmenistan Airlines suspended its scheduled operations to Europe. The company operated from Birmingham and London Heathrow via Ashgabat to various points including Amritsar, Bangkok, Beijing and Delhi.

Further information is available via the airlines general enquiries line: + 44 (0)844 58 52 065 or + 993 12 39 17 47

If you have yet to fly (including passengers who have yet to return to the UK)

Passengers who have travelled may need to make their own arrangements to return home. They should contact Turkmenistan Airlines, your travel insurer or travel agent for assistance.

Airlines which may offer alternative flights include:

Ticket refunds

Passengers wishing to obtain a refund for unused tickets will need to contact the company directly. Passengers who booked directly with the company via either a credit, charge or debit card may alternatively be able to make a claim against their card provider. Some card providers will ask for a negative response letter confirming the position.

Direct booking with an airline

If you paid directly to the airline by credit card you might be protected by Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. You should check with your card issuer for further advice. You may have similar cover if you paid by Visa debit card. Check with your bank.

Booked through an Airline Ticket Agent

If you booked your ticket through an airline ticket agent you should speak to the agent in the first instance; they may have provided travel insurance cover, so check with your agent.

Booked with an ATOL holder (package holiday)

If you have booked flights or a holiday that includes flights with a travel firm that holds an ATOL (Air Travel Organiser's Licence) and received confirmation that you are ATOL protected, the travel firm is responsible for your flight arrangements and must either make alternative flights for you so that your holiday can continue or provide a full refund. If you are abroad, it should make arrangements to bring you home at the end of your trip.

Close Suspension of operations by Turkmenistan Airlines (February 2019)

Advice to UK consumers about flight cancellations by airlines that are restricted from operating within the European Union/United Kingdom

The UK Air Safety List (ASL), informally known as the "UK banned list", is a list of foreign airlines which do not fulfil the necessary international safety standards. This list is also applicable for airlines operating to and from the UK. Under the Air Safety List Regulation passengers have the right to know the identity of every airline they fly with throughout their trip. The airline is required to inform you of the identity of the operating airline or airlines when making a reservation.

If an airline with which a booking has been made is subsequently added to the Air Safety List resulting in cancellation of your flight, you are protected by air passenger rights regulations. If your flight is cancelled you have the right to reimbursement, re-routing. If you are a transfer passenger and you have already completed part of your journey, you are also entitled to a flight back to your original departure point when your connecting flight is cancelled and you decide not to continue your journey.

You also have the right to assistance. Compensation is due if you were informed of the cancellation less than 14 days prior to the scheduled departure date. The airline has the obligation to prove if and when you were personally informed that the flight was cancelled.

Bookings made directly with the airline

If you booked directly with the airline which has been banned from flying in and out of the EU/UK we suggest that you get in touch with the airline referring to your rights established in the Passenger Rights Regulation. Should the airline fail to provide you with a reply within 6 weeks or, if you are not satisfied with their reply, you can refer your complaint to the CAA or to the relevant Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body if the airline is a member of this network. This process may take some time and so we would encourage you to be patient.

Alternatively, if you paid by credit card you may be protected under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and should contact your card issuer for further information. Similarly, if you paid by debit or charge card you should contact your card issuer for advice as you may be able to make a claim under their charge back rules.

This process may prove to be a quicker and more effective option than pursuing the airline, especially if the airline is difficult to contact, which can be the case in situations where an airline is banned from flying in and out of the EU/UK.

Close Bookings made directly with the airline

Bookings made through a travel agent

If you booked your flight ticket through a Travel Agent, you should speak to your agent in the first instance.

Close Bookings made through a travel agent

Flight booked as part of a package travel

Consumers booking a package holiday or trip benefit from a high level of consumer protection. The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations set out the obligations on package travel companies in such an event. In summary, if an airline is banned from flying in and out of the EU/UK, the package travel company may either make alternative flights available for you so that your trip can continue or may propose an alternative holiday or trip altogether.

You are not obliged to accept these changes and you can instead choose to receive a full refund. If you are abroad, the organiser should make alternative arrangements to bring you home at the end of your trip. Contact your package travel organiser for more information. If your booking is ATOL protected, please be aware that you will only be able to submit an ATOL claim to the CAA if the company providing your ATOL protection were to cease trading.

Close Flight booked as part of a package travel

Bookings made through another airline or code share partner

Usually, a number of airlines offer flights as a code share partner. If you hold a ticket for travel with the banned airline but purchased that ticket through another airline you should contact them to see what alternative arrangements can be made.

Close Bookings made through another airline or code share partner

Negative response letter

Passengers who booked directly with the company via either a credit, charge or debit card may alternatively be able to make a claim against their card provider. Some card providers will ask for a negative response letter confirming the position. You may also be able to make a claim against your travel insurer.

Close Negative response letter

Your rights if the banned airline continue to operate flights through specific agreements

Banned airlines can apply to amend its Foreign Carrier Permit to authorise the use of substitute aircraft from another operator under a wet lease agreement (one airline, the lessor, provides an aircraft plus crew to another airline, the lessee). In case of such agreement, the Passenger Rights Regulation continues to apply, so in case of flight disruption, the banned airline is responsible to provide reimbursement, re-routing, assistance or compensation.

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

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  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis