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You will be required to submit your flying logbook(s) in support of certain pilot licensing applications. Where this is necessary, you may choose to submit your original logbook(s) or a copy.

Please note that our staff are unable to advise you on how many logbook pages to submit. You will need to submit sufficient logbook evidence to cover the requirements of the licence/rating you are applying for.

The CAA retains the right to request a pilot’s original logbook at any time.

Paper logbooks

If you have a paper logbook, you should provide a photocopy of the relevant pages.

Please ensure you include a copy of the 'personal details' page of your logbook to show who the logbook belongs to.

Copies of logbook(s) must clearly identify all the requisite experience requirements relevant to the licence or rating application submitted. You will need to submit sufficient logbook evidence to cover the requirements of the licence/rating you are applying for.

Alternatively, you can submit your original logbook(s) with a covering letter by post to:
Flight Crew Licensing, CAA
Aviation House, Beehive Ring Road,
West Sussex,

You must ensure that the 'Person Details' page of your logbook has been fully completed. This is to ensure that the licensing department can determine with full certainty who the flying hours belong to. Logbooks received with a blank personal details section will be posted back to the sender, thus delaying their application.

Original logbooks can also be dropped off at our Gatwick office in person. Please note that if you choose to submit your logbooks in person, you will need to leave them with our licensing team, who will post them back to you with your new licence. The licensing team will not review your application or be able to answer queries whilst you are at our Gatwick office. For a document checking service, you will need to book an appointment.

Close Paper logbooks

Electronic logbooks

If you have an electronic logbook, you must download it and submit it to us as part of an application for a licence or rating.

The logbook should be electronically signed, to show who it belongs to. This may be a signature applied to your logbook in the application you use to store your flight logs, or it may be a digital signature applied to the file, in a programme such as Adobe, after you have downloaded your electronic logbook.

If the electronic logbook has a cover page/personal details page, this should be included in the file too.

Alternatively, copies of electronic logbooks can be printed and hand signed. Only one page of the logbook needs to be signed, but it must include the date, owner’s full name, signature, and CAA reference number. This can then be posted to:

Flight Crew Licensing, CAA
Aviation House, Beehive Ring Road,
West Sussex,

Close Electronic logbooks

Lost, damaged or stolen logbooks

The CAA no longer accepts the submission of a sworn affidavit as the primary means of accepting hours for a licensing service where an individual is unable to provide logbook evidence of their required hours due to loss, damage, theft or data corruption.

In order for the CAA to confirm the hours experience, a pilot will now have to attend an appointment where an appropriately qualified member of staff will determine how many hours experience can be verified. This verification would be constructed based on the evidence historically provided within pilot’s previous applications which are stored by the CAA, and any legitimate evidence provided by the applicant at the time of the interview.

Individuals in such a position will now be required to follow the process stated below:

  • Notify the CAA in writing, by contacting fclweb@caa.co.ukstating the subject ‘LOST LOGBOOK’. The email must provide name, date of birth and CAA reference number (if issued), together with a brief account of the reason why the logbook is not in your possession. Reasons may, for example, include loss, theft, damage or, in the case of e-logbook records, corruption/deletion of data. Any loss, theft or malicious damage will be expected to have been reported to the police and evidence must be provided to that effect, including an incident reference number. You can then expect an email reply confirming what documentation you should bring along to your interview.
  • Once you have gathered all the evidence you will have to call us on 0330 022 1922 and arrange a payment for this appointment. This meeting is charged £125 which is non-refundable. A member of our Technical team will then be in contact to confirm the date and time for your appointment.
  • Attendance of the appointment. The CAA is unable to provide a timescale for the completion of this review, as this will be dependent upon the amount and complexity of the evidence provided by the applicant.

All applicants are reminded that it is an offence under the UK Air Navigation Order to make, with intent to deceive, any false representation for the purpose of procuring the grant, issue, renewal or variation of any certificate, licence, approval, permission or other document. This offence is punishable on summary conviction by a fine, and on conviction on indictment with an unlimited fine or imprisonment or both.

Training Providers, Instructors and Examiners need to be aware that the CAA will no longer accept a sworn affidavit as the primary means of accepting hours, so this needs to be taken into account prior to any recommendation for the grant of any privileges for a person without a logbook. However, where possible, they are requested to assist individuals who find themselves in this predicament by ensuring that any statements provided can be supported by their training logs, aircraft logs and personal logbooks.


News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis