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RVSM approval allows aircraft to fly with a vertical separation of 1000 feet reduced from 2000 feet between FL290 and FL410 inclusive.

The Air Navigation Order & Regulations states that a UK registered aircraft "shall not fly in reduced vertical separation minimum airspace... unless it is equipped with height keeping systems which enable the aircraft to maintain the prescribed height keeping performance capability".

Applying for RVSM Approval- AOC Holders

Completed CAA Form CA 4040 should be emailed to navapprovals@caa.co.uk. At present, no charge is made for RVSM Approval for AOC holders. Applicants should also inform their assigned Flight Operations Inspector.

Applying for RVSM Approval- Non-AOC Holders

Completed CAA Form CA 4040 together with the appropriate fee should be emailed to navapprovals@caa.co.uk.

Details of costs can be found in the CAA Scheme of Charges for General Aviation.

CAA Gateway Contact

Shared Service Centre (Navigation)
Telephone +44(0) 330 221 908
Email: navapprovals@caa.co.uk

Declaration of RVSM Capability for Certificate of Airworthiness Issue, Subsequent Issue or Renewal

Complete CAA Form AD1011.

Additional considerations

RVSM approval is non-transferable between operators, a new application must be submitted if the operator of an aircraft changes.

The CAA is required by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to maintain a database of all RVSM approved UK registered aircraft. Operators are therefore required to inform navapprovals@caa.co.uk and their assigned Flight Operations Inspector in the event of an RVSM approved aircraft being added to or removed from their fleet.

Further information

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