Application guidance
Aircraft that meet the applicable type design standard and are in a condition for safe operation are eligible for the issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A).
Aircraft type design requirements and their associated Certificates of Airworthiness fall into two main categories, Part 21 aircraft and non-Part 21 aircraft. Historically non-Part 21 aircraft are sometimes referred to as national aircraft.
Part 21 aircraft are those that are included within the scope of UK regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (the UK Basic Regulation). Article 2, paragraph 3 of this regulation provides details of excluded aircraft.
Non-Part 21 aircraft and aircraft used for State purposes are those included within the scope of the UK Air Navigation Order.
The Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (CAP747) provides further information for both Part 21 and non-Part 21 aircraft.
Certificate of Airworthiness issue refers to the first issue of a UK C of A to the aircraft.
The term C of A Subsequent Issue is applicable when one of the criteria below is met:
- The previous UK C of A has been revoked or surrendered.
- The aircraft held a UK C of A prior to being exported to another State and has since returned to the UK Register.
- The aircraft was removed from, and has since been re-registered on, the UK Register.
- The aircraft has remained on the UK register and the C of A has expired, and a non-expiring C of A has not yet been issued.
Certificates of Airworthiness are non-expiring and require a valid Airworthiness Review Certificate in order to operate under the provisions of the C of A.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Some UAV will require a C of A.
Applications are dealt with by contacting
Hang gliders, foot-launched powered hang gliders, paragliders and single seat microlights.
Although it is mandatory to comply with the Rules of the Air, hang gliders, foot launched power gliders, paragliders and registered single seat microlights below 300kg, are not required to hold a C of A or Permit to Fly.
Non-Part 21 balloons
Privately operated Non-Part 21 balloons are not eligible for a C of A under the Air Navigation Order 2016 (ANO) (Refer to Article 33). Please contact if you require further guidance.
Who can apply?
The following persons can apply for a C of A:
- Registered Aircraft Owners
- Aircraft Operators
- Continuing Airworthiness Maintenance Organisations (CAMOs)
- Maintenance Organisations
Additional resources
- UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (the UK Basic Regulation)
- The Air Navigation Order
- UK Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 (the UK Initial Airworthiness Regulation for Part 21 aircraft)
- UK Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (the UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulation for Part 21 aircraft)
- British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Section A (CAP553)
- Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (CAP747)
- Certificate of Airworthiness Part 21 aircraft
- Certificate of Airworthiness non-Part 21 aircraft
- Part 21 aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specific Airworthiness Specifications
- Non-Part 21 aircraft Type Certificate and Type Approval Data Sheets
- Airworthiness Review Certificates
- Aircraft Noise Databases