All ATOL holders are required to appoint an Accountable Person who must be a statutory director, a sole trader or a partner in a partnership. This person is responsible for making sure the ATOL holder complies with the ATOL Regulations, the ATT Regulations and the terms and conditions of its ATOL.
It is important for all Accountable Persons to understand their responsibilities to ensure there is maximum compliance across the industry and to ensure consumers know when they are protected by the ATOL scheme. Accountable Persons play an important role in maintaining a high level of consumer confidence in the travel industry.
Guidance on the role and what is expected of an Accountable Person.
Online training Course
To assist Accountable Persons in understanding what they need to know to fulfil the role, the CAA has developed an online training course, which all Accountable Persons are required to successfully complete.
All Accountable Persons will be provided with logon details for the course, which can be accessed below:
This website enables authorised users to log in to a secure area to complete the Accountable Person online training course. For security reasons the learning management system only permits a limited number of logon attempts before an account is locked.
When setting a password, we recommend you do not use obvious words within the password and you should consider changing your password on a regular basis.