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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides you with a number of rights in relation to the processing of your personal data, including the right of access to a copy of the personal data the CAA holds about you, known as a Subject Access Request.

Under the GDPR, individuals' rights are enhanced and extended in a number of important areas:

  • The right to correct inaccurate personal data
  • The right, in certain cases, to have personal data erased
  • The right to object
  • The right to move personal data from one service provider to another (data portability)

Submit a request, enquiry or complaint

You can submit a request for information, or exercise any of your individual rights here. Alternatively, if you wish to submit an information enquiry or make a complaint about how we have processed your personal information, you can email us at FOI.requests@caa.co.uk.

If your request relates to personal data about you, to satisfy ourselves that we are dealing with the correct person you will need to make sure that you submit a copy of your passport or driving licence as proof of identity.


Under the GDPR, we must respond within a month following the date of receipt of all the information necessary to deal with the request.


There are exemptions to the right of access to your personal information, such as when the material also includes a third party's personal information.

The CAA's Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The CAA's DPO is:

Chris Whitehurst

To contact our DPO, please email FOI.requests@caa.co.uk. This will ensure that in his absence your enquiry can be dealt with in the most efficient way.

Complain to the Information Commissioner

If you are not satisfied with how the CAA has handled your personal data, please let us know and we will try and resolve the problem. However, you have a right to complain directly to the ICO.

The CAA's General Privacy Notice

Our General Privacy Notice is available on our website.

Data protection security statement

CAA information security policy and procedures provide appropriate technical and organisational measures, that safeguard against the unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data, and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

In particular, these policies cover:

  • The secure management of information
  • Controlled access to information
  • Business Continuity
  • Information Management & Privacy
  • Information Rights,
  • IT Security

On occasions when third party organisations process personal or sensitive personal data on behalf of the CAA appropriate contractual arrangements will be made.

A request for access to personal data by the data subject is a 'Subject Access request'. Access to personal information about another person (third party data) can be exempt from disclosure. If necessary, we will contact the data subject and discuss the request and determine if it can be lawfully met.